“So did you guys decide, because Angel’s already on his way over again,” Romero said nudging his Uncle Manny.

“I don’t know. All these house specialty foo-foo drinks sound good, and Angel said they can make any of them non-alcoholic for me.”

“Why don’t you just order a Diet Coke? It’s cheaper.”

“Because we’re celebrating,” Manny said but quickly straightened out wincing and looked at Romero who gave him a murderous look.

Rose looked up from her menu. “Really? What are you celebrating?” They all stared at her including Vince who was at a loss for words. She turned to Vince, eyes wide–open then looked down. “Is that your stomach making that noise?”

Vince put his hand over his cramping belly. “Yeah, I’m starving.” Immediately he regretting saying that because as nervous as he was, he doubted he could keep anything down.

Angel was at their table just in time. “So did you guys decide?”

They all put in their orders then Manny had to go and make a big production about what damn non-alcoholic foo-foo drink he should order, reminding Rose about their celebration. “So what was it you’re celebrating tonight?” she asked with a big smile.

Angel looked at Vince, and then spun around like a coward rushing off, being no help at all.

“The contract,” Romero finally said. “It’s a pretty big deal. Good for both of us.” He winked at Vince. “Once all my guys are certified, it’ll open doors in all kinds of new directions that I’ve been wanting the firm to go in. Once that happens, and word gets out that it was Vince’s new company that certified them all, that’ll get him enough exposure to be booked clear into next year. And that’s how it starts.”

Rose leaned into Vince and kissed his cheek. “I am so proud of you. So much so I think I’ll have a foo-foo drink, too. That is reason to celebrate.”


They’d just dodged that bullet when Rose’s attention was averted to the front door of the restaurant. “Is that my mom?”

They all turned to see Rose’s mom walking in wearing dark sunglasses and a big sunhat. The second she spotted them, she hurried into one of the corners behind one of the large planters where half her body was still sticking out.

“What is she doing?” Rose asked getting up.

Well shit. Vince knew it. He should’ve just done this the way he had originally planned—somewhere where it was just the two of them. But no, not this family, they weren’t having it. After Lorenzo opened his big mouth about it, they just all had to get involved. “You gotta go all out,” they said. “Make it extra special,” they said. “We all have to be there,” they insisted.

Now because of them, his stomach was a mess, and they’d probably all ruin it before he could even get to it.

“Man,” Max laughed as soon as Rose was far enough, “talk about being pretty f**king obvious. Her mom’s gonna blow it.”

Vince looked at him just as Aida snorted. “She’s gonna blow it?”

“Yeah,” Max laughed, “who wears sunglasses and a sunhat at night?”

Aida snorted even louder just as someone tapped Vince on the shoulder. One of the waiters let him know they were ready for him. Vince got up, hoping he wouldn’t be sick and followed him out back.

Lorenzo was waiting for him outside. “How we doing?” he asked with a big smile.

“I’m probably gonna hurl in the middle of it.” Lorenzo walked quickly alongside him. “You just had to tell them, didn’t you? This could’ve been so much simpler. She probably already knows something’s up. Her mom’s in there hiding behind a f**king plant. It’s just a matter of time before she notices the girls behind their menus or Alex’s girls running around.”

Lorenzo laughed. “Oh man, I saw her mom going in. Did you get a load of that ridiculous hat? I couldn’t stop laughing.”

Vince looked at him. “You saw her and didn’t stop her? She could’ve at least come in through the back.” Vince shook his head stepping onto the pier. “Let’s just get this done already. Is everything ready?”

“All set.”

“Is the guy here?”

“Yep, don’t worry, Bro. It’s all under control.”

Vince rolled his eyes, thinking of just how under control things were inside the restaurant. “I hope so because I don’t know how much more of this my stomach can take.”


Rose saw her mom move further behind the plant as she got closer. “Mom?” At first her mother didn’t move or say a word. “What are you doing back there? What are you doing here?”

Her mother finally moved and came out from behind the plant, pulling her glasses off and adjusting her hat. “I uh…I’m meeting someone here,” she lifted her chin, “a man.”

That surprised Rose. “Really?” She casually looked her mom up and down. She’d seen her mother dress up for men in the past. She hardly looked the part now. “So…why were you hiding back there?”

Her mom turned to the plant. “I didn’t want you to see me. I haven’t told you girls about him yet, so I was hoping to keep it a secret a little longer. I had no idea you’d be here. I wanted to, you know, see him discreetly for a while before I brought him around.”

“So you decided to meet him at Moreno’s?” Her mother seemed embarrassed or uncomfortable enough, so when she didn’t respond, Rose let her off the hook. She turned and looked around the restaurant. “Is he here yet?”

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