“This afternoon.”

He explained how he’d been on a bit of a wild goose chase trying to figure out where she was—all in a taxi. Then finally someone from the restaurant told him about her game, and he’d gone straight there. He stopped talking to hug her again with a groan, and she hugged him back just as hard.

“I told you he’d be back, Rose.” She heard Lorenzo say, but she didn’t want to pull away from Vincent’s arms, so she just nodded.

The tears continued to come, but they were the best tears ever. Vincent had come home to her. He was really here, and she could hardly believe it. Then reality hit. She’d just got him back, and she was already going to worry about one thing. She pulled back to look in his eyes again. “How long are you back for?”

He smiled, lifting her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’m here to stay.”

“What?” Her other hand was at her mouth again, looking around not understanding. All the other women around them were crying, too, and the men looked pretty broken up themselves as they held their wives in their arms. Grace cried the most against Sal’s shoulder, and Rose knew why. She’d been so worried about Rose.

“I’ve been medically discharged.” Rose turned back to him searching his eyes. “I’m done, Rosie. I don’t have to leave again.” He hugged her again, and she leaned into him with a trembling deep breath praying to God this wasn’t a dream. “I got your letter,” he whispered against her ear.

She looked up at him. “You did?”

He nodded with a smile so tender it reminded her of the very first time she’d seen that vulnerability in him. “Just a few days ago.”

He filled her in briefly on his injury and when he’d been discharged then explained why he hadn’t called to tell her about it when he found out he’d be home soon. But he said he’d tell her more, later when they were alone.

Apparently he’d been there long enough to watch the end of her game, and either they’d hid him or she’d been too into the game to notice, but he’d already been reunited with everyone else.


Lorenzo’s eyes were still red and puffy, but he played it off now, smiling and looking just as content as Rose felt. Unable to help herself after finally giving Vincent room to breathe, she turned away from him to hug Lorenzo.

“I believed really hard today,” she said and felt him hug her even tighter.

When she pulled away she saw how teary-eyed he’d become again, and she laughed wiping her own tears away. “Okay, we gotta stop.”

Vincent’s arm came around her waist, and he pulled her to him. “Yeah, this has to stop,” he said playfully.

He kissed Rose on the head and mussed Lorenzo’s hair. “Mom and dad still don’t know.”

Lorenzo went wide-eyed. “Are you kidding me?”

“Nope,” Vince said. “I had to see Rose first, but we can go get them. Uncle Sal is already talking about a big dinner at the restaurant.”

Thanks to Sergeant Fetherman he’d pulled a few strings and assured the higher ups Vince would call and inform his parents he was okay. Again Vince chose to surprise everyone and never made those calls.

After their very emotional reunion Rose was all set to go with Vincent and Lorenzo to pick up his parents. She wanted Vincent to tell her everything, but mostly she didn’t want to say goodbye to him ever again. Then Grace mentioned the contractions starting up again.

“Stay with your sister,” Vincent insisted. “I’ll come back tonight. Whether you’re at the restaurant or the hospital, I’ll come looking for you. I promise.”

She clung to him, the tears once again unstoppable, before letting him go with Lorenzo. He blew her a kiss as they drove away, and she blew it back breathing in deeply.

Feeling Grace’s arm around her, she turned to see Grace’s smiling face. “You should’ve gone with him.”

“No,” Rose nodded then rubbed Gracie’s enormous belly. “I need to be here with you. He said he’ll be back tonight.” She smiled. “I’ve lived through longer without him. I can do a few hours.”

She said it, but even she didn’t believe it. Already she longed to be in his arms again.


Lorenzo asked question after question the entire ride home. Then just a few minutes before they got to La Puente, his phone buzzed.

“Check my text.” Lorenzo said handing it to him. “That’s probably Sal wondering if I’ll be at work tomorrow.”

It took a second for Vince to figure out his brother’s phone, but he did and clicked on the envelope. A text message opened up, and Vince read who it was from out loud. “Sweet Rosie?”

“Oh that’s from Rose. What does she want?”

Vince ignored his question and repeated it again. “Sweet Rosie?”

Lorenzo laughed and shrugged. “I know a few Rosies. I’ve mixed shit up before, and it’s not pretty, so I gotta make sure they’re labeled. It could’ve been worse; there’s a Hot Rosie, and don’t even get me started on Rosie Cheeks.”

Vince stared at him for a moment longer. “Vince’s Rosie works too you know.” He looked down and read the text.

False alarm again with Grace, so just meet us back at Alex’s house like last week. Uncle Sal says by the time you guys get back, it’ll be too late for the restaurant, but we’ll wait up for you guys at Alex’s. Tell Vincent I miss him already.

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