I already mentioned that. My mom says she wants me to go with her.

This was bullshit. Her mother never gave a shit about her before. Vince texted Sal this time.

Does Grace know about Rose moving?

Almost immediately his phone rang, and he answered.

“Moving where?” Sal’s concerned voice was all the answer Vince needed.

“To Nevada,” Vince explained quickly, and within seconds he was off the phone with him.

He rushed, trying to stay under the speed limit to get to Rose. She was in the playground where they always met, sitting on the swing staring at her feet. He rushed over and sat in the swing next to her. Her tears nearly choked him. There had to be a way to fix this.

He touched her leg gently. “Have you talked to Grace?”

She nodded and sniffed but said nothing else.

“Did she…was she able to convince your mom?”

Rose stood up suddenly. Her lip was trembling, and Vince was on his feet in an instant facing her. “She didn’t have to convince her, Vincent. She never wanted me to go with her. She used me as leverage.” She paused to whimper and wipe her face, breaking Vince’s heart in the process. “I heard her on the phone, whining about the hot weather in Laughlin and how she’d have to work as a housekeeper at the hotel. She told Grace she’d let me stay as long as Grace promised her that once she had her own restaurant, she’d let her work there and help her get a place out here. The moment she got off the phone, she looked at me and just told me I was staying as if it were no big deal to her that she’s moving away and leaving her daughter behind. She’s never given a shit about me, and I just don’t understand why.”


She sobbed now, and Vince reached out to embrace her as she continued to cry into his chest. He’d never felt so much hatred for someone in his life like he did at that moment. He couldn’t fathom how such a heartless bitch could’ve possibly produced someone as special and sweet as Rose.

As her crying calmed, Vince pulled away to look at her. It killed him to see her so sad. He wiped her tears away as they fell from the corners of her eyes. “Don’t cry, Rosie. Maybe she just figured you’d be happy about staying since you had brought it up earlier.”

Rose shook her head. “No, she’s never loved me. I don’t even know how to describe it, but from the time I was a little girl, I always felt this…I don’t know distaste for me, like I was more of a hindrance to her than a blessing.”

“Some people just don’t know how to show their feelings, but Grace has always loved you.” Vince wiped another one of her tears again. “You said it yourself. It more than made up for your mother’s lack of affection.”

She sniffed some more, wiping her face with the sleeve of her hoody. “Yeah, I know, but I guess I was hoping that maybe…” She shook her head again. “God, I’m stupid. How could I actually believe that after all this time, she finally decided she loved me?”

The flare of hatred was back, and it was blazing. “No you’re not,” he said firmly cupping her face. “Listen to me. It’s not stupid to hope that your own mother had finally come around and was gonna start acting like one.” He shrugged. “So she sucks at being a mom. You have an awesome sister who loves you more than anything in the world.”

Rose looked down for a moment without saying anything.

“I love you, Rosie.” If he’d lowered his voice any more she may not have heard him.

Rose looked up at him, immediately shaking her head. “Vincent, don’t—”

“I do.” He’d felt it for a long time now, but he hadn’t planned on telling her until he was sure he wouldn’t freak her out. He remembered her speech about love being a gradual thing, but he couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“You don’t have to say that just because—”

“I’m not just saying it.” He took a step closer to her and looked her straight in the eyes. “I don’t just love you. I’m in love with you. And I know you said it’s a gradual thing, but for me it wasn’t. It got me fast and—”

“I love you, too.” She put her hands over his, and for the first time that night she smiled making his heart go wild. “I’m in love with you, too, Vincent. I know I said it was a gradual thing, but you’ve made this the most amazing summer of my life. I’ll never forget it.”

After staring at her for a moment and taking in her unbelievable words, he looked down at her lips. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered.

He felt her go tense, and his eyes were immediately on hers. Seeing that she had gone from happiness to anxiousness, he was almost afraid to ask, but only because he didn’t want to get too excited.

“You’ve never been kissed?” She flushed as she shook her head and bit her lip. “Don’t be embarrassed, Rosie. It’d be an honor to be your first. If you let me, I’ll show you how.” He smiled trying to calm his insides as she nodded softly. Could this get any better? He was about to be Rosie’s first. “Lick your lips and tilt your head.” She did as she was told, and he kissed her gently just once then whispered against her soft lips. “Relax.” She did, and he kissed her again, this time parting her lips with his tongue, feeling her gasp when their tongues touched. He couldn’t help smile. “Just do what I do. You’ll get the hang of it in no time.”

Bringing his hand around her neck, he pulled her even closer to him and went in for a longer one, savoring her sweet mouth. It wasn’t a long kiss; he didn’t want to overwhelm her. He pulled away and smiled, leaning his forehead against hers. “You’re a natural.”

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