Months passed by…Shreya was mostly abroad for her work commitments. One day, she wanted to meet Siddharth when in India. He invited her to his home for a change. Shreya obliged him. Siddharth’s house was a simple n elegant one. His room was very clean & tidy. She saw a table on one corner & books stacked on the shelves on its sides. She just browsed through them & one title that caught her attention was “Life is Celebration.” She borrowed it from Siddharth & loved reading it after a long time. The book acted as a guideline to her life. She could see some things written was a lesson she learnt in life & others leading to an enlightening path in her life. She was deeply engrossed in this book & started imbibing few tips written on it. She could find hints to the questions in her mind. Definitely the quality of her life improved. Her perspective of life changed. She started seeing things differently rather than different things.

Next month it was Siddharth’s birthday. He called her & invited her for brunch. Luckily her shoot was scheduled post lunch so she could make time for his special day. Shreya expected a huge party with family & friends. She was reluctant as she felt she would be the star of his birthday. But she could not miss her special friend’s birthday either. It is only he who treated her as a normal girl & not a celeb. He would never flaunt her when ever they met up & this was definitely something which Shreya liked about him.

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