And he does, every single single inch. He starts at my shoulders, kisses slowly across my breastbone, kneeling between my legs, then slides his kisses down between my br**sts. I want his mouth there, but he teases me, kissing the swell of each breast but not taking the nipple into his mouth as I want him to. He touches his lips in a series of wet kisses down my stomach, across my belly to my hips, down each thigh. I expect him to put his mouth to my core, but he doesn’t. Instead, he kisses dangerously close to each side, above, the inside of each thigh with his rough cheeks sandpaper against my sensitive skin, but he never touches his mouth to my folds.

And then he’s moving back up after having kissed my shins and my calves and my feet. He gets to my knees, then hesitates, takes my hips in his hands and twists me onto my stomach. I pillow my head on my arms and try not to be self-conscious as he kisses my calves, the backs of my thighs, then, yes, each buttock, wandering over the globes, paying special attention to it, palming the cheek around his lips, squeezing the muscle, tracing the crease.

His finger delves into the crease, and suddenly the all-over kissing isn’t as sweet as it is erotic. His mouth is still moving over my bu**ocks, but his finger, it’s going between my thighs and back up, deeper.

“You liked my finger inside you back here, didn’t you?” he asks, his voice rough and demanding.

I can only whimper in response. I did like it. I can’t say that though.

“Answer me, baby.” He nudges my thighs open with his knees, spreading me. “Did you like it?”

He keeps pushing my knees until they’re bent as far as they can flex, and I’m spread completely for him. His palm circles my backside, and I can sense he’s waiting for my answer. I don’t. I want to push him, see what he’ll do.

He spanks me again, a light but stinging slap. Immediately, my core clenches and I’m wet, dripping. I moan into the pillow.

“Yes, Colton. I liked it.”

“Want it again?”

“Uh-huh.” I can’t make words. His thick forefinger is trailing down my crease and probing in, causing my breath to hitch and my body to tremble.


His other hand slides under me, his fingers curling up to massage my clit. Lightning shoots through me, and I wriggle under his touch. His finger slides up and down still, closing in but not pushing or pressing. His touch on my clit is gentle and soft and slow, questing circles to get me ready. Oh, I’m ready. So ready. I stretch my legs to open more, and now his finger is gone briefly then back again. I feel something wet and warm against me back there, and then there’s pressure.

“Tell me if it’s too much.”

He pushes in, oh-so gently. Oh god, oh god, ohmigod. Now his circling fingers are swift and accurate, sending heat through me. I shift and arch, bow my back and roll my hips. So good. So good. I lift up onto my knees and push back, liking the fullness of his finger inside me. Oh god.

“Colton…don’t stop.”

“No f**king way.” He slides his finger deeper, and I’m nearly undone.

It’s so intense, fiery and stretching and slightly painful, but pain is familiar and welcome and erotic. So perfect. But no, I realize even as I think it that this isn’t perfect. Him inside me would be perfect. Just like this, but his c**k instead of his fingers.

“I want you inside me.” I turn my head to whisper the words over my shoulder. “Right now.”

“Like this?”

“God yes. Like this.” My voice is a fierce whisper.

I hear a packet rip, feel his hand withdraw from my core, and I turn to watch him slide a condom on one-handed. I rest my weight on my elbows, watching him take his shaft in hand and guide it to my entrance. A gentle nudge, and then his eyes on mine as he hesitates.

“Nell, I—” He’s so dominating some times, giving me orders that I find myself wanting to obey, taking me to delirious heights of ecstasy. And then, other times, he’s hesitant and unsure, but it’s only ever as regards to me, making sure I’m on the same page as him, making sure I want what’s happening.

I can’t form words to answer him, so I push back against him, and I feel him slide into me, filling me.

Oh…my…god. I hang my head between my arms and brace my shoulders, thrust back to crush him deep.

“Fuck, Nell. God, you’re so f**king tight.” His voice is strained, thick. His hand grips my hip where it’s bent and pulls me against him.

And now he’s flush against me, hips to my ass, finger inside me there still.

“You’re so big, Colton…” I say, then have to stifle a giggle, realizing how that came out. I said it breathily, and it sounded like something from a  p**n o. But it’s true. He’s huge, stretching me.

“Is it okay? I’m not hurting you?”

I shake my head. “It’s perfect.”

I feel the pressure building, a volcanic heat inside me. He slides out and out, and then he’s poised with the tip inside me, hesitating a heartbeat, then plunges in slowly and I cry out, a breathless shriek. Another slow slide out, and then back in, his finger pulsing inside me, slightly in and out, pushing the pressure to a head, lightning building and crackling in my blood, in my muscles. He hesitates at my entrance again, his tip nestled in my folds, and this time when he thrusts in, it’s faster, almost rough.

“Yes, god yes, Colton. Like that.”

He pulls out and pistons deep, hard. “Like that?”

“Yeah…” I gasp.

Again, hard, deep, so deep. “You like it hard?” A rough rhythm now, deep and fast.

“Yes, Colton…I like it hard.”

“Oh my f**king god, Nell.” He bends over me, buried deep, rests his head against my spine. “How are you so f**king incredible?”

I have no way to answer that, and I don’t have a chance to anyway, because he’s pounding into me again. I whimper at each thrust, push into him when he slides deep. There’s no thought but this moment, no memory but the previous thrust, no one in the world but Colton. The pressure of impending orgasm is a thundering presence inside me, and I know when it comes, it will be an inundating weight crashing through me.

Then he slows and shallows his thrusts, sliding halfway in, moving in a sinuous rhythm. Oh shit, that’s intense. Even more intense than having it rough, in a way. He’s hitting inside me in way that strikes a chord, makes me thrum. The edge is near, my climax hovering close. He moves his finger a little deeper, wiggles it in and out, and then abruptly pounds deep, hard, and I break apart. I scream, shove my ass back into his thrusts, coming and coming and coming.

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