"Karen, I know your father will be surprised, but I'm sure he'll be as thrilled as we are. Anyway, the decision is mine and mine alone and I'm going to have this baby." I patted her hand. "We don't even know positively that I'm pregnant. Let's take it one step at a time. I'll see a doctor first thing tomorrow."

"I know you're pregnant and Aunt Suzie says she's sure too. Don't lie."

"I'm not lying. I'm more than pretty sure too, but I'll go to a doctor anyway."

Karen blew her nose on a paper napkin. "I heard my mother talk on the phone about it. She was calling Thatcher. She said some bad things to him, but she stopped when she thought I was listening."

"Was your father there?"

"No. He was away, but I think he knew. I heard them mention the word when he got back."

"But it didn't happen. God forbid, we wouldn't have Timmy."

Neither of us wanted to discuss the matter further but it remained on our minds.

We returned to the car and once underway, I took my daughter's hand and pulled her next to me, as far as the seatbelt would allow. "Karen, you and I haven't really talked about this. I know you're excited, but you must have questions too. We have to be honest with each other. That's very important to me, especially now. Please, tell me how you feel."

"I told you, I won't love you, but you love me; you keep saying that, and I believe you. You'll love your baby and the baby will love you back. Does that mean you're going to love your new baby more than me?"


"I'm not even going to dignify that silly question with an answer."

"The baby will be your child and I'm not your daughter."

"Has anyone ever loved you more than I love you?" She hesitated. "Honesty."

"I guess not."

"I'm not just having my baby; I'm having your brother or sister."

"It will be a sister. I know it."

"You'll love your new sister just as you love Timmy."

"Timmy is my full brother. The new baby will only be a half but that's even better."

I laughed. "Why is that?"

"Because you're the mother." I was stunned, but she continued. "Besides, love isn't about fractions, is it?"

"What made you say that?"

She wouldn't answer my question. "Timmy was a mistake, but I still love him."

"This baby wasn't a mistake. It was simply a surprise. God doesn't make mistakes, does He?"

"I'm going to have a sister, like you and Suzie."

"I'll need your help with this, Karen."

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