"You fill it with hot water and put it on your stomach if you have a belly ache," I answered, describing at least part of the product's function. I admitted we had a similar implement when I was growing up. She added it to our pile, in case I get sick, she said.

The trunks of old clothing fascinated Karen and she donned a number of outfits over her clothes. Her attire was now more casual since we'd managed a few shopping trips. She preened about the attic.

"May I bring Timmy up here to play? He'd love dressing up and pretending." I could tell he wasn't the only one interested though Karen wouldn't admit to so juvenile a pursuit.

"Sure," I said. "Pretending is good practice. They'll have school plays once you're in high school."

I was anxious to get back to my exercising, so I asked Karen if she would jog along the beach with me when we finished our attic treasure hunt. She wasn't dressed for it but agreed, and we ran for thirty minutes before Paul and Timmy were due to meet us. Her indoor gym must have been well utilized as she had no difficulty keeping up with my conservative pace. I spotted a sign up notice for a summer soccer program and I suggested she apply. I felt she was a natural athlete in spite of her never playing team sports. She agreed to think about it though she didn't know the game. I'd have to be patient. Dragging the children, especially Karen, into the everyday world would be a slow and arduous process.

Paul arrived early, driving past us as we were ending our jog. While Karen and I showered, he and Timmy went shopping for some new play figures, a reward for Timmy's completion of a school project with Mr. Potter. When he returned, I sensed he wanted to tell me something.

"Spit it out," I said. "You're looking guilty."

Timmy spoke up, no longer able to hide his excitement. "Daddy bought it!" he exclaimed.

"More figures for you?" I asked with a smile.

Paul answered. "I bought you a wedding present," he said. "I hope you won't be mad."


"A present from the toy store? How nice."

"Sort of. Actually I bought the toy store. You now own Peck O' Fun."

When I managed to catch my breath and open my mouth, it served no purpose as I didn't know what to say. Paul tried to explain himself. Timmy jumped up and down while Karen awaited my reaction.

"We both liked the toy store, and you said you were interested in working with children. Mrs. Peck will stay on indefinitely, and she has a girl who comes in afternoons to help. You can fix your own schedule. Besides, it's a good business investment. I'm always looking for operations I can help and perhaps expand." When I didn't answer, he continued to stammer. "If you don't want it, I'll just take it on as one of our firm's investments. You don't have to have to be involved with the management if you don't want to."

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