I rubbed my arms, and wished I could pinpoint the precise location of the dark soul. It seemed near and yet not, outside rather than inside. Which was why I stood here rather than getting that woman out of the house and away. I might be risking her life by remaining still, but I didn't dare do otherwise until the dark soul was near and visible. This might be our only chance to understand what the hell was going on.

The kettle whistled, the sound almost lost in the husband's continuing tirade. Mary reach for two cups, then tipped coffee into both.

That's when I saw it.

Black smoke, seeping into the room through the partially opened window on the opposite side of the room. It was featureless, this soul, bearing no resemblance to a human in any way, shape, or form. Perhaps it had never been human, even in life, though the anger and need to destroy that seemed to be emanating from it were both very human emotions.

It flicked along the baseboards, keeping itself low and long, barely visible against the dark carpet. When it neared the still gesturing husband, it began to curl upward and around his legs, elongating and stretching, spreading itself ever finer, until it was nothing more than a smoky cloak covering his back. Then it seemed to melt into clothes and skin, and disappear.

Becoming a part of him.

The change, when it came, was quite sudden. The gesturing and shouting ceased, and an unnatural calm filled the void.

The woman didn't even seem to notice the silence, let alone the sudden leap of menace in the air. She just blithely continued to make her coffee.

Time to get in there.

I took several paces backward, then blew out a breath and ran for the window, diving headfirst through the glass. It shattered, shards scattering everywhere as I hit the carpet and rolled to my feet. Mary turned, her mouth dropping into an O of shock, the teaspoon clenched in her right fist like a weapon.

The husband didn't react. Didn't look. Didn't seem to even realize I was there.


Or didn't care.

It was a chilling thought.

"Directorate of Other Races," I said, raising my badge to show her. "Mrs. Jamieson, we've reason to believe you're in danger."

She raised an eyebrow, amusement touching her lips as her gaze skimmed my admittedly somewhat bedraggled and bloody state. "And do Directorate personnel often bust through people's windows wearing torn dresses and party shoes?"

"Only when we need to, ma'am," I said, my gaze on her still unmoving husband. "If you'd just drop the spoon and move around the bench toward me, we'll get you out of here."

She laughed. "So who am I supposed to be in danger from?"

I hesitated. "Your husband is not - "

She laughed again, the sound this time harsh and cold. "Frank? He's a spineless little turd who's all talk and no action. In the bedroom, and out of it. Hence the little diversions he's currently raving about."

And she was such a loving, understanding wife.

Christ, why did people like this even get married, let alone remain that way? Surely divorce was better than this sort of misery.

"Ma'am, you'll just have to trust me on. this one. Please walk around the bench and come here."

She sniffed, but put down the spoon and began to approach me. The minute she did, the husband moved. Or rather, launched. Headfirst across the bench, straight at his wife.

She screamed and backed against the fridge, hands raised to protect her face. I swore and dropped a shield, reaching for her husband mentally.

And hit a wall.

Not a psychic wall, or even an electronic shield, but a wall that felt shadowy and thick with evil. The dark soul wasn't about to let anyone else take over his revenge.

The husband grabbed his wife and forced her to the ground. I couldn't sec them thanks to the bench, but I could hear the smack of flesh against flesh and the resultant squeals of pain. I shoved my badge on top of the bench then ran around it, grabbing the husband by the scruff of the neck and tossing him backward. He hit the kitchen cabinets with a grunt, but almost immediately came back at us, his eyes glazed and bloodshot, his fists swinging.

I ducked both blows then grabbed him two-handed, lifting him up and tossing him back across the room. Then I grabbed the woman's arm and hauled her to her feet.

"Now do you believe me?"

She nodded, her split lip bleeding and one eye already beginning to close. Fear flicked through her remaining eye, and the smell of it overran the scent of lilies and sex wafting off her.

"Good," I said. "Now listen."

The husband had landed amidst the broken glass, and had sliced his hands in his efforts to scramble to his feet. Blood dripped onto the tiles, the thick red color becoming a match for his eyes. A result of the possession, or the first indication of a body getting ready to die? I shoved my car keys into Mary's hand.

"There's a black Ford with Directorate plates three doors down. Get in there, lock the doors, and don't come out until I tell you to. If you see your husband coming out of this house alone, start the car and get the hell out of here. Don't go anywhere he knows, just drive until we contact you." I looked at her. "Understood?"

She nodded, lips trembling. "But Frank?"

"Is not himself. He's possessed."


"Long story, lady, and we ain't got the time." Her husband was running at us again. "When I give the word, run."

The husband leapt the bench. Whatever - or whoever - the evil soul had been, one thing was clear. He was no fighter. I sidestepped, grabbed his body, and flung him at the wall.

"Run!" I said to the woman. "Now!"

She did, her heels clattering on the tiles before the sound disappeared into the thick padding of the carpet. The husband made a mewling sound and crawled off the bench on which he'd landed. He didn't even look at me, just started running after his wife. I leapt at him, grabbing his legs and bringing him down onto the cold hard tiles with a smack hard enough to send blood flying. His and mine.

I wrenched my hand from underneath him, sending a thick shard of bloody glass skittering across the tiles, and tried to grab his arm.

You wouldn't have thought it would be so damn hard to grab the arm of a human, but the man was suddenly an octopus - arms and legs everywhere, slippery as a snake. I finally caught his right hand, grabbing it firmly and yanking it behind his back. It didn't seem to make one bit of difference. He was fighting and twisting and mewling, the noise inhuman - a match for his suddenly inhuman strength. I wasn't exactly a lightweight, but I wasn't The Hulk, either. And keeping this man pinned was becoming harder and harder.

He bucked like a bronco. I gripped him tighter, holding on for dear life as I twisted his arm higher up his back. It had to be hurting, but he didn't seem to care.

He bucked again, and somehow twisted in midair, so that I was on the bottom, hitting the tiles back-first. Air exploded from my lungs, leaving me gasping.

He began hitting me, the blows raining down on face and arms and breasts. The wolf within rose snarling to the surface. I caught a blow, my hand wrapping around his and squeezing. Bones splintered, broke, and pain flicked through his ever-reddening eyes.

A reminder that a human rested behind whatever controlled his body. I backed off, merely gripping rather than crushing, then bucked, flipping him off me.

I scrambled to my feet as he slid across the tiles, then ran over and hit him, hard. The blow landed on his chin and he was out before he really knew what had happened.

Even so, I didn't relax.

The blow might have taken out the body, but the soul that rested within would be unaffected. And who knew how it was going to react?


The voice was Jack's, and harsh with concern. Damn, we had to be short-staffed if Jack was coming out on rescue missions.

"Down here," I said, my gaze not leaving the husband's prone form. He began to twitch, the muscles in his legs and arms moving, even though he was still out. The dark soul inside was trying to get up.

The soft thud of boot heels approached. A second later Jack's suddenly dangerous presence filled the room.

"You called for help with a human?" he said, disbelief evident in his tones as he stopped beside me.

"Not just any human, but one possessed by the spirit who's tearing the women apart." I paused, and looked at him. "How the hell did you get past the threshold?"

"Got Mary to invite me." He studied the man for a minute. "You've beaten him up a bit, haven't you?"

"Had to. The spirit gives inhuman strength, and he almost got the better - " I stopped as the man lurched into a kneeling position.

"It's going to keep that man moving until it kills him." I looked at Jack. "Can you force it out of his mind?"

"I do that and the soul will escape. We have no way of containing it."

"We have no way of containing it in the body, either. At least this way well save one life."

"At the cost of others, perhaps." He held up a hand to forestall my protest. "I'll try. At the very least, it may give me some hint of what we're actually dealing with."

Power touched the air, a tingly, spidery flare of electricity that flowed like wildfire through the air. Its touch had the tiny hairs along my arms and the back of my neck standing upright, but its effect was more dramatic on our target.

He screamed, a high, furious sound, and began to fight, throwing himself left and right, as if trying to rid himself of a physical touch.

Black smoke began to pull free of the husband, curling back in on itself, becoming more solid but still resembling nothing human. I shivered.

"What?" Jack said.

"The soul is retreating."

"I can't see it."

"You can't see souls."


I flicked him a glance. "There's nothing unfortunate about it, trust me."

He gave me a wry sort of smile, though his attention was still on the husband. "We've had this argument before."

"Yeah, and your reasons for thinking it's fantastic still suck."

The soul had pulled almost all the way out of the flesh. The feel of him, so thick with evil and the need to destroy, crawled across my senses.

This soul wasn't sane.

Not now, and probably not in life.

If it had ever actually lived, that was.

I rubbed my arms, smearing blood up my forearm from the cut on my palm.

"What is it doing?" Jack asked, as sweat began to bead his bald cranium and forehead.

"Nothing." There seemed to be a slight pulsating through its opaque form, as if a heart beat deep within the darkness. But I felt no sense of energy, no gathering of power that had been so event in the other souls who'd talked to me.

For that, I could only be grateful. There was nothing this hateful soul could say that I'd really want to hear.

"So it's just sitting there, above the man's body?"


"Want to try talking to it?"

"I have a feeling opening my shields to this thing could be a very bad idea."

"Bad as in, oops, it's possessed me?"

"Yeah." I paused. "So you really have no idea how to contain a soul?"

"As I said, no fucking idea at all. I came here prepared to save my investment, not to play with spirits."

I grinned. "Your investment thanks you for caring."

The last tendril of smoke pulled itself free of the husband's flesh. The pulsing within the sould got stronger, and a sense of power caressed the air. It began to rotate - slowly at first, then faster, until the sheer weight of energy caressing the air had the hairs on my arms standing.

Then it lunged forward, a face forming out of the darkness, the mouth wide open, teeth bared. It screamed - no earthly sound, harsh and powerful enough to set teeth on edge. I yelped and jumped back, but it didn't follow. Simply hissed then flicked away, its snakelike form slithering across the floor and out the window.

"Our dark soul just left the building."

"You might want to check that it's not taking over the woman."

"It wants revenge, not death," I said, "And I can't fed its presence anymore."

But even so, I spun on my heels and ran out the front door. The sense of evil no longer rode the cool night air. I took a deep breath, washing the foulness of that spirit from my lungs, then glanced down the street. Mary Jamieson sat in the driver's side of ray car, her hands clenched around the steering wheel, face pale and swollen under the harsh street lighting. Jack's car was parked right behind mine, lights still flashing and driver's door open. He really had hurried.

Smiling slightly, I headed down to collect her. By the time we got back, the husband was awake, and more than a little confused. For the next hour we questioned the two of them while the paramedics tended to them, but there wasn't really much they could tell us. The woman's only crime was an affair, and the husband's was caring too much. Or perhaps holding back too much anger.

"So," I said, as the paramedics left. "What are we going to do with them? We can't leave them here, and we can't leave them together. And we have no way of knowing if that soul is coming back."

He sighed, and rubbed a hand across his bald head, "Take Mrs. Jamieson to a safe house and make sure she's comfortable. I'll second liaisons onto watch duty for the two of them until we sort out what's happening."

I looked at the woman. "Mrs. Jamieson? Would you like to pack some clothes?"

She nodded, then walked listlessly down the hall. The knowledge that her affair had almost caused her death had taken some of the bravado out of her.

Not that I could muster any sort of pity. Which was probably cold and uncharitable of me, but I couldn't help it. She was the most unlikeable piece of womanhood I'd ever met. She just couldn't stop throwing attitude her husband's way, even though we'd explained that the violence was not his doing. I actually think she would have respected him more if it was.

"What about him?" I pointed at the man sitting on the chair nursing a bandaged hand, and giving me a one-eyed and somewhat baleful glare. Maybe the violence wasn't all the spirit's.

"As long as the wife is out of the way, I don't think he's going to be a danger to anyone."

Or so he hoped. Me, I wasn't so sure we could be positive about anything right now. Except perhaps that cheating was the key. I stood up. "Have the magi come up with any suggestions about restraining or killing our dark soul?"

"They're still looking into it. He's not a particularly old spirit, by the way."

I raised my eyebrows. "So he's not some ancient evil, then?"

"No. He was human once, I caught that much. And he hates women," He paused, then shrugged. "I want your full report on my desk in the morning."

"Yeah, yeah. But let me get some sleep first."

"You know, some people speak respectfully to their boss when he gives them an order."

I grinned. "If I did that, you'd fall over in shock."

"Ain't that the truth." He glanced past me. "The wife is on the move. Get her out of here, get her safe, then go home."

I got.

It was a good four hours later by the time I had her tucked safely in one of the Directorate's plusher safe houses and was finally able to go home. The liaison who'd come to take over was a crusty old coot who missed nothing and talked to no one. The perfect choice to mind someone like Mary. She wouldn't sweet talk or bully Marcus into leaving the apartment, no matter what she needed.

I yawned hugely as I got into the car and started it up. Sleep called, but I'd promised to drop by Kellen's place and explain, so that's exactly what I'd do.

I drove through the deserted streets, reaching his apartment half an hour later. After parking behind his Mercedes, I climbed out and looked up. The lights gleaming from the top floor windows suggested he was still awake - not that I'd expected anything less.

He buzzed me in and sent the elevator down. The security door into his apartment was open, but he wasn't waiting. I followed his rich scent through the living room and into the bedroom.

He glanced at me over the top of the book he was reading. "You look a mess."

"It's been a bad night at the office." I stripped off the tattered remains of my dress, then kicked off my shoes and headed for the shower. He didn't follow, didn't join me, and part of me was glad of that. I just needed some quiet time to wash away the feel of evil.

After I'd dried and combed my hair, I walked over to the bed and lay down beside him. He tucked his arm underneath my neck and pulled me closer without ever putting his book down. It was nice, just laying there, snuggled up against him, and I was tempted to let it stretch on. But he deserved the explanation I'd come here to give.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I shouldn't have disappeared like that without explaining. But I couldn't risk losing my quarry."

He sighed, and finally put the book down. "I could smell the fear on you, Riley. Do you know what it was like for me, knowing you feared whatever it was you were chasing, and yet unable to do one single thing about it?"

"It's my job - "

He turned onto his side, and pulled me closer, so that his warm length pressed against my cooler flesh. It felt good. Natural and safe and right, somehow.

Right in a totally different way to how Quinn had felt right.

Which didn't really make all that much sense.

"I'm an alpha," he said. "It's an alpha's duty to protect his pack. You, my frustrating, annoying, and somewhat daft woman, are considered part of that pack for as long as we are together."

I smiled and raised a hand, gently touching his cheek. "This evil was something you couldn't protect me from."

"Which doesn't negate my need to try." He took my hand and kissed my fingertips one by one. Warmth shivered up my arm and desire unfurled.

"I have warned you that my being called out on a job might happen at the most inconvenient times." I raised my free hand and lightly traced my fingertips along his side to his hips, then let them drop, lightly caressing the thickness of his erection.

"And I warned you that one day I will ask you to leave said job."

My hand stilled as I raised my gaze to his. "I can't leave yet. Not in the middle of a case, and not until we know the results of the drug I was given."

"I know, and I'm not asking you to do that now. But I do want you to make a decision."

I resumed my caressing, enjoying the way his flesh throbbed and jumped under my touch. "I know. And I promise, I'll make it soon."

He touched a finger to my chin and guided my gaze back to his. "How soon? As I've already warned, I'm an impatient man."

My gaze searched his, seeing the desire deep in those green depths. Seeing the emotion. Part of me ached to say yes, to commit to this big strong wolf and take the time to explore whether or not he truly was the one.

But I just couldn't. Not yet. I didn't believe in breaking promises, and if! committed, I would mean it.

Yet I was in the type of job where commitment and fidelity didn't matter one iota. Where the only thing that did matter was getting your man and bringing him down any damn way possible.

And sometimes, that included sex.

I might be a strong psychic, I might be able to make some people believe whatever I wanted them to believe - including the fact that they'd just had incredible sex with me when the only thing I'd been fucking was their minds - but there was no escaping the fact that, sometimes, real sex would be involved.

And that I would more than likely enjoy it.

Truth was, I couldn't commit to Kellen and do my job successfully. I might not have wanted this job originally, but I was stuck with it now. Besides, part of me really did enjoy the thrill of it. A hunter hunts, and there was no longer denying I was very much a hunter.

Yet how much longer could I put Kellen off? How much longer did I want to put him off? My dreams were right here for the taking, if I had the courage.

But after everything that had happened over the last few years, my courage when it came to emotional matters was extremely low. And part of me didn't want to take that final step just in case fate leapt out and crushed me again.

"Answer me, Riley," he demanded.

Oh God, oh God.

I closed my eyes, took a breath. Found courage where none existed. "Give me a week. I need to concentrate on this case first, then I'll give you an answer."

Okay, so it wasn't a whole lot of courage I found. And while it wasn't the answer he wanted, it wasn't a denial, either. A week gave me time to think. Time to panic.

Time to find said courage and commit.

"It had better be the right answer."

I turned onto my side, then leaned forward and kissed him. It was a sweet kiss, a gentle kiss. A kiss that hinted at possibilities. "I think it could be."

"Good," His hand slipped down my back to my rump, his touch sending little flash fires of desire skittering across my flesh. "Now, what do you think we should do to seal this deal?"

I shrugged lightly, a smile teasing my lips. "Break open the champagne?"

"We'll save that for when you finally say you'll go solo with me next week."

"Ah. Well, what about a good quality wine?"

"I'm not into wine right now."

"Then what are you into?"

"You," he said, then claimed my lips again, his kiss a demanding thing, and so damn hot it had me melting.

After a while, his lips moved on, kissing my lobes, my neck, my shoulder, until finally, torturously, his tongue teased first one nipple, then the other, making them ache with a fierceness I'd never thought possible. I closed my eyes and arched my back a little, enjoying the pleasurable sensations pulsing through me. When he sucked one throbbing nub into his mouth, I groaned in sheer delight.

Then his tongue moved on, trailing liquid heat down my stomach as he tasted and teased. Anticipation sung through every fiber, so that when his tongue finally flicked over my clit, it almost undid me. And still he licked, tasted, and tantalized, until my whole body throbbed to the tune of that gentle yet insistent caress, and the tide of enjoyment threatened to overload my senses.

"Oh God, stop. Stop" I murmured. "I can't... it's too soon."

I wanted to taste him, caresses him, build him to fever pitch, until sweat beaded his skin and his body ached with the need for completion. As mine did.

But he didn't hear me, didn't care. Just kept on tasting me with his tongue, flicking and delving and caressing, until the sensations overloaded my senses, and my body bucked in delight. My fists clenched, grabbing the sheet as I shuddered and drowned in a myriad of delicious sensations.

The trembling had barely eased with his lips caught mine again. He tasted of lust. Of love. Of me, and while I just wanted to keep on kissing him, I also wanted - needed - a whole lot more.

So I wrapped my legs around his body, and let him slide deep inside. Slowly, gently, he began to rock. The feel of him, so hard and hot, penetrated every fiber and enveloped me in a heat that was basic and yet so very powerful. Gradually, his thrusts became more urgent, the need more intense. Jolts of pleasure ran across my senses, building to a second crescendo.

"I'm going to make you howl, Riley," he whispered against my lips. "I'm going to make you mine, in every way possible."

His powerful body stroked fast and deep, and yet it was his words that drove me insane with desire. I writhed against him, matching his rhythm, matching his urgency. Lust and sweat and desire built and built, the aroma so sweet and thick on the air that every intake of breath only inflamed already raging need.

"Oh God..." The rest of the words did become a howl of utter pleasure as my body bucked wildly against his. He came with me, his roar echoing across the silence, his body slamming into mine so hard the whole bed shook. In the midst of all that pleasure, his lips caught mine, kissing me hard as our orgasms ebbed and sanity returned.

I opened my eyes, stared into the green of his. Saw my future there, if only I was brave enough to take the chance.

He rolled onto his side, then gathered me in his arms. "Make me a promise," he said softly.

"What?" I said, sounding more reluctant than was probably wise.

"No sex outside what you have to do for work. Just you and me, for the next week until you give me the answer."

"Okay." I didn't even have to think about that one, which I guess was surprising given my reluctance to fully commit to the man.

Though I guess I was only agreeing to something I'd harassed Rhoan into in his relationship with Liander.

"Thank you," he said, and continued to hold me while he fell asleep.

Me, I didn't sleep, no matter how much I needed to. My mind was too busy mulling over promises, possibilities, and the right thing to do.

Rhoan had the coffee made and waiting by the time I walked in our apartment door the following morning.

"What, you've suddenly gained sister radar or something?" I said, as I wrapped my hands gratefully around the mug of steaming liquid. Melbourne had pulled another of its weather tricks, and it was as cold as hell outside.

"It sounded like a herd of elephants running up the stairs," he said, amusement twinkling deep in his gray eyes. "Knew it had to be you. Light of foot you are not in the mornings."

"If I wasn't so grateful for the coffee, I'd kick your kneecaps." I took a sip and sighed happily. Hazelnut might not be "in" when it came to coffee these days, but it had always been my favorite. There was just something about the sweet, nutty aroma that made my taste buds do happy little handsprings. "So, did you talk to Liander last night?"

He nodded. "I actually sat him down before sex and talked to him. He understands. He's not happy, but he does understand. You?"

I screwed up my nose. "We talked. I said I'd give him an answer in a week."



He grabbed my arm and tugged me into a hug. "Just don't lose this one through fear, sis. He's a good man. And rich, which is always a bonus."

I snorted softly and pulled away. "Money isn't everything."

"Maybe not, but it sure as hell can make things a whole lot more pleasant."

"So why are you still here rather than living the high life at Liander's?"

"Because I value freedom more than money. And he's clingy enough. Can you imagine what it would be like if I lived with him?"

Actually, I could, and there was no way it would be as bad as my brother was imagining. I drank some more coffee, then said, "You heading into the Directorate this morning?"

He shook his head. "I'm doing the legwork for a case the night boys arc having trouble with. Seems we may have a day-walker on our hands."

I raised my eyebrows. "Day-walker?"

"A nonhuman with vampire tendencies."

"But not actually a vampire?"

"No. They tend to be psychos who like the taste of blood. We've had to track down one or two of them during my years as a guardian." He shrugged, like it was no big deal. "How about you?"

"Gotta go in and write up a report, then I might head over to that club and see if I can track down the man matching the picture Adrienne drew."

"You think he might be involved in Adrienne's disappearance?"

"Probably not, but right now, he's my only lead."

"You could wash your hands of the whole thing, you know."

"And leave Mom hanging? Sorry, not going to happen." I hesitated, remembering yesterday's events. "And besides, we now have the joy of Patrin and his bodyguard coming down for more regular reports of our progress."

Rhoan's ringers flexed. "Good. I believe there is some unfinished business between the two of us."

"As I mentioned, he has a bodyguard."


"So knowing Patrin, he's probably the type to shoot first and ask questions later. And I don't want a dead brother."

He snorted softly. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Only Superman can run faster than a speeding bullet, bro."

"So I'll disarm the bodyguard before I beat the crap out of Patrin."

"Good." I drained the rest of my coffee in several scalding gulps then dumped the mug into the sink. "Be sure to let me know when it happens. I'd like to watch."

"I heard that about you."

I slapped his arm as I walked out. His laughter followed me into the bathroom. By the time I'd showered and dressed, he'd gone. I scooped up my keys, wallet, and ID, but left my gun tucked safely in the security box. Jack would have a pink fit if he realized I didn't actually carry, but I hated the feel of them on my body. Hated the weight of them, however slight that might be.

Once back at the Directorate, I plonked down on my chair and began typing up the report of last night's events. Technically, I could have handed it over to the liaisons, but Salliane was down there. And as much as I loved teasing the cow, I just wasn't in the mood for any of it right now.

With that done, I picked up the files I'd printed out yesterday and began reading through them. Wading through files of death and destruction was never an easy thing, and some of these murders were so gruesome - so cold - they made my heart ache.

In the end, I found three possibilities. I went back into the database and requested complete details on all three, then logged off the computer and got the hell out of there.

It was just after one when I arrived at Mirror Image. In daylight, the place really did look like a massive factory, the unadorned concrete walls reaching toward an inhospitable sky. There had to be at least two hundred cars sitting in the parking lot. This place was certainly pulling in the customers.

The heady smell of sex and lust stirred the air as I grabbed my pass and headed in, and my pulse quickened. I might have had an amazing night of sex, but the wolf within was always ready for more.

The bouncer, a big white wolf, gave me a wicked smile of greeting as I handed him the card. He swiped it through the reader, then handed it back. "You've access to all areas. The boss upgraded it this morning."

I raised my eyebrows. "And why would he do that?"

He shrugged. "The boss likes pretty girls." He paused, his gaze running down my body suggestively. "And you are certainly that."

Despite it being an obvious line, I smiled. Hey, a woman has to take compliments when she can get them. "And is your boss around?"

"No, he was called away on some emergency business." He shrugged again. "They don't tell the plebs anything."

The wryness in his tone made my smile widen. There was something almost cunning in this big wolf's eyes, something that suggested he didn't actually miss much at all. And that could come in very handy.

"Do the plebs get lunch breaks?"

The interest in his eyes flared deeper. "They do. In half an hour."

I touched his arm lightly, leaning forward conspiratorially, in the process giving him a nice view of my breasts. There was nothing in my agreement with Kellen that excluded flirting. "And are they allowed to... talk... to the customers? Accept a drink or two?"

"They certainly can talk." Amusement teased his lips as his gaze flicked down then up. "And as long as the drink is nonalcoholic, that will be fine."

I ran my fingertips lightly down to his hand. "I might see you inside, then."

"I think you just might."

I walked away, feeling his gaze on my butt as I headed in. And I have to say, I worked it. Nothing like the interest of a man to make the wolf flirt outrageously.

The main room was hot, suggesting the air-conditioning still wasn't working properly. There weren't as many people pressed onto the dance floor this afternoon, but most of the booths were full. I flared my nostrils, sucking in the scents, allowing the lust and the scent of sex to flood through my body. My pulse, already racing, stepped up another level.

It was a shame I couldn't actually do anything, thanks to the promise I'd made to Kellen. This might be a scouting trip, but if I had sex here, it would be because I wanted to, not because I had to. And that wasn't in the spirit of our agreement.

I walked down the steps and did a circuit of the room, then stopped and got a drink from the almost empty bar. "So," I said, showing my pass as the bartender slid a beer across the counter. "Where's a girl to find some real action in this joint?"

"The Executive Room? That'll be the doors to the left of the bar, ma'am." He pointed out the silvery doors wrapped in shadows. "Just slide your pass through the slot. The Executive is on the left."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning interest when I already knew the answer thanks to Jodie. "So what's the room on the right?"

"It's for guests of the owners, and by invitation only."

"Thanks." I collected my beer and headed for the doors.

I swiped the card through the appropriate slot. The little red light flashed for several seconds, then flicked to green. The door clicked, then opened, revealing a short, shadowed corridor. Better and better.

I stepped through the door, and almost immediately saw the sturdy-looking guard to my right. Bang went my plans for a little easy breaking and entering.

"The Executive Room?" I asked, my gaze skimming the shadows, looking for cameras and infrareds. There were three of the former - one covering each door, and one near what looked to be an elevator - but none of the latter.

"Door to your left, ma'am," he said politely.

"Thanks." I lowered a shield and carefully felt for his mind, my psychic probe little more than a barely there caress.

The guard wasn't shielded, and his mind was wide open for invasion. Which suggested they either had nothing to hide, or that they didn't think they were ripe for trouble in the safety of their back rooms. It was mighty tempting to do a full mind-raid, but the cameras were on me and I couldn't afford to stand still. Not even for the short amount of time it would take to read his mind.

I turned on my heel and headed for the lushly padded doors to my left. While the cameras weren't infrared, disappearing into shadows in the middle of the corridor was likely to gain more than a little attention from whatever security forces were watching the screens.

The velvety doors slid open as I approached, and the soft purr of music spun out. Like the main room, the dance floor here dominated the space, but there were fewer tables and more sofas and beanbags spread out along the walls. The room itself was warmer in tone, the walls a rich gold and the furnishings a mix of leather and plush materials. The sensual and erotic melodies of the music mingled with the scent of lust and sex in the air, creating an ambience that was relaxing yet sexy. I breathed deep, allowing the atmosphere to soak deep inside. An answering tremor of excitement coursed through every fiber. Now, this room was more my style. I guess it was the more intimate atmosphere I found sexier - the main room was just too large for someone used to smaller venues.

I walked down the steps and around the dance floor, looking for anyone resembling Adrienne's drawing. The sights and sighs of mating were all around, and my own lust rose, sweetening the air. A shifter gravitated toward me, drawn like a bee to honey by the scent of a willing wolf in heat. I gave him a smile and shook my head. I'd made a promise, and I intended to keep it.

I claimed a booth toward the rear of the room, placing my drink on the table before tugging off my shirt and dumping it beside the drink. If anyone happened to come looking for me - and there was no reason why they should - they'd think I was on the dance floor. After a quick look around to be sure there were no eyes or cameras pointed my way, I faded into shadow.

It was easy enough to slip through the darkness hugging the dance floor. The tricky bit was timing the sweep of muted lights with someone going through the main door. I missed several chances thanks to the timing of the lights, but finally followed a panting and naked couple out of the door. They went right, to the bathroom. I stepped left, into the deeper darkness.

The guard sniffed, his nose rising a little as he tasted the air. Scenting me, even if he couldn't see me. I gave him no time to place the aroma or hit the alarm, just lowered several layers of shields and stormed into his mind. He was mine in an instant.

I rifled quickly through his thoughts and memories, finding nothing when it came to Adrienne or Jodie, and very little else that was useful - mainly because he did little more than follow orders handed down from his shift supervisor.

I made him open the door and peer inside, as if investigating a noise, then I slipped past him, into the shadows of the smaller room. When he closed the door again, I released him, keeping only the barest psychic hold on him so I'd know if he heard or suspected anything unusual.

This room was all dark paneling and thick comfortable seating. The air was warm and sweet smelling, the aroma a mix of leather, alcohol, and sex. Interestingly, there were no security cams and no dance floor, but there was a large well-stocked bar.

There didn't seem to be anything of interest in this room, and yet instinct prickled.

Frowning, I walked around, inspecting the walls, looking for anything odd. There didn't seem to be anything out of place, and certainly nothing that would explain my growing certainty that this room held secrets.

I flicked to the infrared of my vampire vision, and looked around again. That's when I discovered the other room. It was behind the wall to the right of the entrance, and there didn't appear to be a door into it. Not from this room, anyway.

I walked over, then flicked off the infrared. The wall looked totally solid, but maybe there was a hidden entrance. I mean, it looked like a storage room, so why wouldn't there be a door somewhere? It made no sense, otherwise. I raised a hand, expecting to meet wood paneling. Instead, my fingers met nothing, disappearing into the wall.

What appeared to be solid concrete and wood paneling was, in fact, a fake barrier that divided the room into two.

After a moment's hesitation, I stepped through. Energy caressed my body, making my skin tingle and my hair stand on end. I'd felt a sensation like that before, in the den of the dark god. Someone had set up magical barriers on this door, meaning there was obviously something worth protecting in the room beyond.

But if the barrier had been set to protect, why was I able to step through?

From this side the barrier looked almost nonexistent. There was only a slight shimmer of energy to suggest there was any division between the two rooms. This half of the room beyond was much smaller, with only half a dozen steps between the false wall and the real back wall. Air flowed gently from the thick darkness to my right, but it was the setup on my left that caught my interest.

Someone had set themselves up a recording room, complete with several expensive-looking video cameras that sat on desks facing the false wall. It seemed the owners were filming events in the other room. Maybe they had a sideline of blackmail going on. Which, while illegal, wasn't exactly what I was here to uncover. And given Adrienne hadn't even made it in here, it wasn't what she'd discovered, either. Unless, of course, she'd seen it when she'd brushed against the stranger in the hall.

So why would she then go on to the island? Why not expose the blackmailing scheme, if that was what was going on? Was there any connection at all to the three missing women, or was it pure chance she'd disappeared the same way as those others?

I'd barely stepped away from the cameras when there was a sharp sound from the shadows, then a door opened and light suddenly swept across the darkness, just missing my toes.

Two men were framed in the light, one human, one not. Both armed.

If I didn't get my ass out of there, I was one caught puppy.

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