"But he's an elf," Mericlou said. "You, of all people know they are; look at how they feel about humans: 'you can be friends with them,' they say, 'but don't get involved with them romantically.' They really hate that; you know this just as well as anyone."

"It's true that some elves ostracized their own people for falling in love with humans," Noroa admitted, "but some aren't like that."

"Some may not be," Mericlou retorted, "but most are. And if they feel that way about their kind getting involved with humans, then think about how they'd feel about androids. They never treated other races with disrespect, not even us, because they revere life … or at least that's what Aldrec told me … but they do patronize humans, and I've never heard of an elf that fell for an android."

"Has it ever occurred to you that Aldrec might be different?" Noroa said. "Most elves don't know androids personally. And most don't take the time to even try to get to know us. But Aldrec … he strikes even me as different."

"That he is," Mericlou said, bemused at the memories all the times he behaved un-elfishly around her: the boisterous laughter, the occasional crude jokes, and indulgence in food that most elves would never be caught dead eating, like steak and dark ale. "In fact, 'different' is the perfect word to describe him. He's not flighty or aloof like most other elves are. And on the whole, he behaves … way too 'human.'" She sighed deeply. "I've never seen another elf like him."

"Well, it seems to me that your feelings for him are already set," Noroa said, reaching over to stroke Needles' soft fur coat and tickle her nose. "And I think that you know what to do, Meri. All you need now is to do it."

She went back into the apartment, leaving Mericlou alone with her thoughts.

I … just don't know, she debated within herself, sulking unabashedly on the edge of the porch railing. I won't deny that Noroa's probably right, but I think I'm just afraid.

She thought about Aldrec: his smiling, kind face, his laugh, his constant air of joy and peace he practically radiated when around her … And for once, she was thankful that no one was around to see her blush … …And then cry.



"I should've told her right then and there," Aldrec said, momentarily ceasing his clockwork pacing. He sighed heavily, frustrated at the memory.

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