"I forgive you, sister," she said in a gentle voice. "And … I'm sorry."

"You … do?" Alaema quavered, sniffling several times. "You … are?"

Mericlou nodded. "You were absolutely right about me. I've been a rotten sister. I rescued you, and yet, I paid the least amount of attention to you. I behaved more like you were a pest, rather than part of this family. It's my fault you did what you did. I should have known that you would have done something to get back at me sooner or later. And I deserved it."

Alaema, the moment Mericlou had finished her sentence, broke down into another torrent of tears.

"Sister?" Mericlou said, touching her shoulders reassuringly. "Alaema? What's wrong?"

"It's … me!" Alaema quavered, burying her face in her hands. "You were right, Meri; you were right about me … and I'm sorry … so sorry! Maybe it would have been better for you if you just never had me move in with you in the first place … had just let me stay at that brothel, and be dismantled! You and Aldrec really deserve each other, not a pathetic … backstabber … like me!"

To this statement, the rest of the family came to Mericlou's side, and comforted her sister with multiple embraces. Even Sedriil, who had the most reason to be of ill will, had none to give, as he joined in their expression of unconditional love.

"You see?" Mericlou said at last. "Your family forgives you as well. It's okay, sister. You're not a 'pathetic backstabber,' and we all love you. Even Aldrec is standing here with us. We'll get over this, I promise."

Unceremoniously, Tescadji stepped forward, visibly uncomfortable. "I, ah … hate to ruin the sentiment of the moment," he said, "but we really do have to …"

Before he could finish, a swift red blur shot across the den, and nearly knocked him to the floor. Tescadji staggered back, but regained his footing as the blur halted in front of Aldrec, and became Krako.


"He was there, and then he wasn't …" Jenius muttered, stunned as ever he was when he had first seen the baby dragon, " …and then he was there again. I've never seen …"

"Wait," Aldrec said, silencing the elf. "He's giving me something." He bent down to Krako's level, and removed the rolled-up parchment that was presented to him.

"You found it on the front door you say?" Aldrec said to Krako, as Mericlou and family had taken notice of the goings-on behind them. Mericlou stood by her husband, and glanced at the parchment as he unrolled it, and read it aloud.

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