“Well, there’s a first time for everything. But if you must know, I met someone.”

He raises an eyebrow, probably thinking about Walker, and I have the decency to blush. “Someone else.”

He chuckles. "And let me guess, this someone else, he's special?"

Suddenly I can’t meet his eyes, so I focus on his burgundy tie, admiring the pattern. “Yes, he’s very special. He’s different … he’s perfect.”

“Don’t be so naïve, Blaire. He’s human, therefore, flawed.” Lawrence closes the space between us in a few ground-eating strides. When he’s standing not even an inch away from me, I look up quickly and get lost in his green gaze. The color reminds me of an Amazonian jungle—so rich, so bright, endless.

The attraction undeniable, I watch him lift his large hands, cupping my face gently but with resolve. When his cool skin comes into contact with mine, I shudder as he crumbles my defenses with his tempting touch. He caresses my cheek, noticing the slight trembling of my body. “Would you like me to stop?”

As I look into his eyes, I know that I can’t lie to him. “No.”

“What is it about you that won’t let me get you out of my mind? Is it your beauty?” Lawrence asks as the pad of his finger traces the arch of my eyebrow, the caress gentle as the summer breeze. “Your smell?” He lowers his face, tracing my jawline with the tip of his nose ever so slowly, ever so decadently. His soft, warm breath kisses my skin and makes me shudder. “The feel of you?” He brushes my hair out of the way with the back of his fingers. They leave a burning trail behind as he kisses the nape of my neck. “Or is it the way you taste?”

I’m enveloped in a hazy cloud of lust for a man I don’t know. My chest rises and falls faster and faster as I gasp for air, his closeness making me feel as though I cannot breathe. The room spins. The temperature rises. I have to clench my hands tightly to stop myself from reaching out and touching him, the need to feel him under my palms overwhelming. The magnetism—the pull between us—growing stronger with each second that passes by, and I’m powerless to stop it. He’s gravity and I’m the falling apple doomed to hit the ground. But Lawrence’s hold on me goes beyond the physical. Lawrence and his luring words speak to the dark Blaire, to the Blaire I have to be, making it impossible for me to ignore him and his advances. That Blaire wants him. That Blaire can’t say no to him.

Releasing a shaky breath, I say, “I’ve thought about you.”

“Even with this special someone in your life?”


I lick my lips. His attention arrested, his gaze follows the tip of my tongue as it slides across my mouth.

“Yes. And I hate myself for it.”

Silently, he traces my lower lip, wetting the pad of his thumb with the moisture that my tongue has left behind. I watch him raise his finger to his mouth, sucking it—tasting me. My core pulsates with hunger for those lips, for that mouth. The images of myself riding his face flash through my mind like blinking neon lights.

“My darling, you want me as much as I want you. Don’t fight it.”

I close my eyes momentarily as I’m hit in the chest by a rock heavy with guilt and self-disgust.


“Why are you doing this to me? I’m trying so hard to do the right thing for once.”

“Because this”—he buries his hands in my hair and pulls me toward him, bridging the space between our faces—“is inevitable.” Then he kisses me fiercely, and I swear I can feel the ground beneath my feet shake. His mouth, his lips, his tongue taste like sin but feel like heaven, making me forget momentarily that there’s a man with laughing eyes waiting for me back at his apartment.

As we pull apart, he says, “Leave work. Come with me. My place is nearby.”

“I can’t.”

“You can’t, or you don’t want to?”

I want to say that I don’t want to, but the words get stuck in my throat. “You know the answer … but I can’t. I’ve met someone who I really, really like. He’s very special.”

“And yet you’re here alone with me, repeating over and over how special he is. I wonder, is it because you’re trying to convince yourself of that fact?”

I place my hands on his chest, but I don’t push him away. “I’m leaving. I’m not even sure why I’m still here.”

“I’ll tell you why,” he says roughly. He lowers his hand between my legs, pushing through the fabric. I grab his shoulders for support and close my eyes as I feel him probing … imprinting me on his palm … on the length of his fingers. A desire so intense, I can’t think, I can’t move, shatters me to pieces. Ronan is far, far away.

“You feel this?” Lawrence says, thrusting deeper against the material. “Your pussy is so warm, I know you're soaking wet for me.” Letting go of me, he raises the same hand that was rubbing me not a moment ago to his nose and takes a deep breath, smelling me on his fingers. “Your body, your scent, they betray you, Blaire.”

And, he’s right. I want him. A baser part of me, where lust, greed, and desire rule my mind, wants Lawrence and all of his millions. That same part of me wants him to fuck me until he eradicates Ronan and all the happiness he’s brought into my life from my mind.

“Now look at me in the eye and tell me that you don’t want me.”

I stare at him, our eyes locked in a war with no winner in sight. “I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a liar.”

Pleased, he smiles. “When you get bored playing house with your special someone, give me a call.”

“I won’t,” I say, but even the words sound empty to my ears.

“Oh, but you will, Blaire. And you know it.”

And then he turns, heads to the door, opening it, and walks out without once looking back.

AS SOON AS I’M DONE WITH WORK, I go straight to Ronan’s apartment. I don’t bother saying goodbye to Elly or calling Ronan to let him know that I’m on my way to his place. The less I think, the better it is.

All I know is that I must see Ronan.

All I know is that Lawrence is still in my head, playing games with me—screwing with my peace of mind.

Damn him.

I knock on Ronan’s door harder than necessary, my knuckles stinging. When he opens the door, I walk in without waiting for him to invite me. The urgency to be with him grows stronger with each minute that passes. If I’m with him, if I feel his hands on me, if I hear his voice, and if I look into his eyes, he’ll make the other Blaire—the one who wants Lawrence and everything he offers—disappear. He’ll make her grow quiet once again, her wants and pragmatism forgotten.

He shuts the door behind me. “Blaire? I thought you were—”

Without saying a word, I close the space between us until our bodies connect. The outline of his dick touches my stomach, my breasts push against his hard chest, and the tips of my nipples tingle with desire. A primal urgency to have him, to take him, pulsates like the beating of my heart inside me.

“Ronan,” I breathe against his lips. “Shut up and kiss me.”

I grab him by the back of his neck, pulling him toward me, and kiss him. Our tongues clash in an open-mouthed battle, but it’s not enough. Craving more of him, yearning for more of him, I deepen the kiss until he’s everywhere. As liquid fire spreads through my bloodstream, I guide my hand past the waistline of his jeans and inside his boxer briefs, wrapping my fingers around his cock and pumping it.

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