Our eyes remain locked as a sweet smile crosses his lips before he speaks once more, only further messing with my head. Really, I’m so busy watching the way his full and oh so kissable lips move that I’ve completely missed whatever he said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” I say breathlessly. Why the fuck am I breathless?

He lets his eyes roam over my face, pausing on my lips. “I thought I would never see you again.”

“Uncle Ronan … I’m still hungry. Can I have a popsicle now?” Ollie interrupts. His words, like a hammer, break the thick brick of tension that surrounded us a moment ago. And I can’t say that I’m sorry for it.

Sighing a breath of relief, I happen to glance at my watch, noticing the time. Shit! It’s past four, and I still have to go home and get ready for work.

I stand and stretch my stiff legs after sitting for such a long time, noticing that the couple who was making out next to me are gone. Actually, the crowd is completely different from before, and the heat also feels less suffocating, less stifling. Funny how time seems to fly when you’re having a good time. After I pick up my almost forgotten shopping bag off the ground, I turn to look at Ollie and Ronan as I tuck a flyaway strand of hair behind my ear.

“I’m really sorry but I have to go. I have an appointment in less than two hours, and I still need to catch a cab. It was great meeting you, Ollie and Uncle Ronan.” I wink at Ronan.

He smiles crookedly at me, shaking his head. “You have a thing for walking away from me, don’t you?”

I bite my lip, as I recall that night. “And you have a thing for stalking, don’t you?”

“Maybe I do … maybe I don’t. Maybe it’s destiny playing its hand.” He pauses, grinning cheekily at me. “Or maybe I just have a thing for nice scenery.”

Laughing out loud, I whack his knee with my bag. “You’re bad.”

“Uncle Ronan …”


I chuckle when he interrupts us once again. I almost get the feeling he’s doing it on purpose.

“Yes, Ollie?” Ronan asks without breaking eye contact with me, amusement dancing in his eyes. That little boy is totally killing his game and he knows it, and if I may say so, quite successfully.

“Can I ask you a question?” Ollie asks.


I watch as Ollie pushes his little body closer to Ronan’s and whispers something in his ear. Ronan shakes his head and smiles at me but addresses Ollie. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her?”

Ollie runs a hand through his long curls, making them look wilder than before. “I was wondering if you want to come to my birthday party tomorrow.”

My heart skips a beat. I don’t do birthday parties. I hate them. As panic begins to rise inside me, I have to cough a couple times to find my voice. “Oh, no-no-no … ah … I don’t know … I can’t … I’d be intruding on a family event. I just couldn’t. Thanks for asking though, Ollie. That’s really sweet of you.”

Ollie shakes his head. “No! My mom won’t mind, right, Uncle Ronan?”

Ronan pats Ollie on the back. “Nope, the more the merrier. Come on, don’t break the boy’s heart. It’ll be fine.” He turns to look at Ollie. “Right, buddy?”

“Yeah. Don’t break my heart,” he repeats meekly.

“You two are trouble, you know that, right?” I say as two pairs of brown eyes stare at me, waiting for my answer.

“But of the best kind. Don’t you agree, Ollie?”

Ollie smiles, his baby dimples appearing. “Yep.”

“I don’t know, Ollie. We just met. I’m sure your mom is going to have something to say about inviting strangers from the park,” I say, even though a part of me already knows that I’m going to go. I mean, how can I deny a child asking for me to celebrate with him when I know what it’s like to want someone with you on your birthday but have no one?

“Oh, please, please, please come to my birthday party. There’s going to be ice cream cake, hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn with lots of butter. And you can bring me a present. And we’re not strangers! We shared a pretzel and you know my Uncle Ronan. And I already like you better than my uncle’s other floozy.”

At this, Ronan’s eyes look like they’re going to pop out of their sockets. “Who taught you that word?” He groans angrily. “Never mind, I’m pretty sure that was your mom’s doing. We’ll have to talk about that later.”

Not wanting to get Ollie in more trouble, I blurt out, “Okay, I’ll come.”

Ollie smiles smugly, his chastised expression from a moment ago evaporating into the air. “I knew you would, I knew you’d come!”

We exchange numbers and I type the details of his party in my phone (Ronan, the sneak, totally took advantage of the situation by saving mine in his cell). As I’m walking away, Ollie catches up to me, stands on his tiptoes, and whispers in my ear, “I think my uncle likes you, Ms. Blaire.”

Tongue-tied and blushing, I turn to steal one last glance at Ronan and find that he’s staring at me. When our eyes connect, the asshole has the audacity to wink at me before he breaks into one of those hypnotic smiles of his—and like an eclipse— I can’t look away.

It’s not until I’m in a cab on my way home that I realize I didn’t remember to check out the brand of his watch. I don’t think it would have mattered anyway.

I’M NOT AWARE OF MUCH other than how nervous I am as I ride the subway to Brooklyn. Distracted, I got on the wrong train a couple of times which has made me terribly late. So now, on top of everything, I’m fidgety because I’m running behind. Fashionably late went out the window a train ride ago.

Why, oh why, did I let that little boy talk me into going to his birthday party?

I realize that a part of me wants to go and spend time with him and Ronan.

Ronan. Just thinking of his name makes me want to smile.

There are so many red flags in this scenario, but would it be horrible if I ignore them just once and have fun for a couple of hours? It’s not like anything will happen between us.

I live in an apartment I can barely afford, I charged a major shopping spree on my credit card before Walker broke up with me, and my job is as a hostess. I have enough money in my savings account to last me for a while, but not if I’d like to keep up with my lifestyle.

Tapping my foot on the floor, I take my cell out and text Elly.

B: You’re not going to believe where I’m going.

Not a minute goes by before Elly texts back.

E: China?

B: Ha! Feels like it. I’m going to Brooklyn … to a * kids * birthday party.

E: ?

B: Long story short. Met a cute kid at the park. We shared a pretzel. Met his cuter uncle, who I kind of know already. Got invited. Couldn’t say no.

E: Aww. Blaire does have a heart. <3 How cute are we talking about here? PS I can’t believe you ate a pretzel. The guy must be really cute.

I smile.

B: The boy was very cute. But the uncle is delicious. So much so that even my vagina wanted to sigh. Imagine a Gap model with a dash of rock star.

E: Shit. Not fair. Music is my higher power, not yours.

B: Music makes your clothes fall off.

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