"By all means let us walk together," answered Philippa readily. "I had been watching the sunset, and the moor seemed so solitary."

"It is. That is why I love it. Dear Bessmoor. Ever changing, yet ever the same--suiting all moods--sympathetic--enveloping. I have a cottage in the heart of her, where I live the simple life, which I like, but which for most people is a synonym for few baths and many discomforts. Do you live near here?"

"No, I am only staying here."

"But you know this part of the country."

"No," replied Philippa again. "It is all new to me. I only arrived yesterday."

And in her heart she was thinking, "Here is some one who could probably tell me many things I want to know," and yet how impossible to speak of such matters to a stranger.

Isabella Vernon seemed anxious to make friends.

"If you do not know the neighbourhood, I will explain the geography," she said pleasantly. "This is an excellent point of view. See, over there,"--she indicated the direction with her hand as she spoke,--"on the other side of the moor lies the village of Denwick. It has a very fine church--you can just see the tower--and it used to be a place of some importance in the dim ages. There are villages dotted all over this part of the country, right down to the sea.

"'Renwick and Deanwick, Bessmoor and Ling, Northam and Southam lie all in a ring,' as the country-people say about here. Eastminster is over there----" again she pointed. "On fine days you can see the spire of the cathedral, but not from here--from a point about two miles further across Bessmoor. If you are staying some time you ought to explore."

Again her eyes questioned, and Philippa answered-"I do not know yet how long I shall stay."


"You will find many beautiful spots about here which will well repay a visit. Now, you can see Bessacre lying in the little hollow below us. The woods over there belong to--Major Heathcote----" She paused tentatively.

"Yes," said Philippa quietly; "I am staying there."

The other nodded. "I used to live with my aunt at a little house in the village--the Yew House it was called--you may have noticed it as you passed--but that was long ago. She has been dead for many years, and when she died I joined my father abroad. I used to know the High House very well once, but I do not know either Major or Mrs. Heathcote. I see so few people in these days. I have been living on Bessmoor for some time now. There used to be very large parties at the High House when Lady Louisa was alive, and--I suppose there are plenty of visitors there now?"

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