He pulled his mouth away from hers, resting his chin on her shoulder. He should have been heavier, but he was balancing the bulk of his weight on his arms, careful of her comfort.

“We’re missing the rest of their performance,” he whispered. Dani giggled, having forgotten the dancers who were working so hard to entertain them. She turned her attention back to the stage below them. The woman’s head was thrown back and sweat ran down her body. Every part of her body was tense, and her face twisted in pleasure. She convulsed between the men again and again. The man behind her thrust harder, each motion bringing her down on her other partner with a force that rocked all three of them.

Dani could feel herself growing hot and wet again, and when Drake started moving his hard length slowly back and forth within her moist opening, she sighed in satisfaction. He thrust steadily, each motion causing delicious friction against her skin. The twists of desire sprang into life, sending tingles of pleasure through her. She could tell that it was getting harder and harder for Drake to control himself. His breathing grew harsh as he moved, then he was on his knees again, bracing himself against her shoulders as he pushed into her hard enough to rock the couch that cushioned them.

The entertainers were coming close to their own end. The woman had come one more time, her gasps ringing through the room. As her body tensed, the man behind her threw his head back and shouted as he came, his butt pumping into her spasmodically. This was too much for the man beneath them, who came with a moan. All three collapsed into a gasping pile of silky arms and legs, a tangle of satiated and exhausted flesh.

Watching them achieve their orgasm seemed to spur Drake on, and he moved more quickly.

Again the sensations were climbing up through her body, dancing along her spine until she stiffened and twitched from the intensity of her feelings. The orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, slamming her against the cushions with a force she’d never dreamed was possible. Drake gave a low, harsh groan, and then he was coming too. She could feel his hot seed pouring into her, filling her with his essence and pummeling her internally. He fell down onto her, crushing her down into the cushions, and struggled for breath.

She lay there, completely unaware of her surroundings for several moments. Then she felt him rolling off to the side. He turned her toward him, pulling her up onto his chest as easily as he might move a lifeless doll.

His pale skin was flushed, but his eyes were cool and dark. Assessing, even. He looked at her without expression, and a chill came over her. He seemed to be unaffected by what had just happened between them, as if this was no more than any other tumble between the sheets. She was dazed by the experience, the power of her climaxes. Sex had been her business since she’d become a woman. How was it that things would be so different with this man?

“Kiss me,” he whispered.

She dropped her lips to his with unfeigned enthusiasm. His lips were soft against hers, and where before he’d been the ravisher, the seducer, this time it was her turn. She nipped at them, allowing her tongue to dart out and slip between his lips, then playfully retreat. She kissed him along his jaw line, down his neck and against his powerful chest.

What had happened to his clothing? she wondered. He was naked now, yet she couldn’t remember him taking the time to undress. She was still wearing her gown, although it had been pushed to her waist. She was naked beneath. His clothing was unimportant, though. All she cared about was touching him.


She kissed along his chest, visiting each nipple and laving them with her tongue until they stood in stiff peaks. One of his arms was draped casually over his head, and his eyes were closed. His breathing was slow and regular now, and his look had softened into one of contentment.

She felt a stirring against her hip, and realized he was becoming aroused again. She dropped her kisses lower, drifting across his stomach towards his manhood below, just starting to awaken again.

He stopped her, pulling her back up his body for another long kiss.

“Let’s go to my chamber,” he said, pulling her to her feet. He seemed to be completely comfortable with his nudity, something she appreciated. She liked a man who was self-confident and unashamed of his sexuality. The musicians and dancers had disappeared, leaving them alone in the dining room.

“I’m afraid I didn’t take the time to enjoy the meal,” she said, smiling at him and feeling almost shy. The sensation caught her off guard. When was the last time she’d felt shy? Yet with this man it felt as if she were embarking on something new and wonderful. It was hardly the usual client encounter.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, gesturing toward the table. “We can stay and finish if you like.”

“I’d rather go with you now,” she replied, allowing some of the longing he inspired in her to touch her face.

He nodded, then took her hand and pulled her across the room. A door opened before them.

More guards, clad in black, carefully avoided watching them as they strode down the hallway. Another set of doors opened before them, and they entered a room that was large and formal. He pulled her across to another set of doors, leading her through a series of rooms that became smaller and more informal the further they retreated.

Finally, they entered what had to be his chamber, a large, airy space decorated in simple yet lush furnishing. Against one wall was a bed. One entire side of the room was taken up in windows overlooking the city. She hadn’t realized how much time had passed, but it was full night out, and the buildings spread out before them sparkled like thousands of gems.

“These are my people,” he said simply, gesturing toward the city with a sweep of his arm. “My family has ruled this system for a thousand years. Our family has been in power longer than the current imperial dynasty.”

What could she say to that? Dani wondered. She was a courtesan, trained to deal with men of power. But somehow, spouting out one of the light-hearted remarks she usually affected, seemed so inappropriate to the moment. They were alone in his room, she realized, the most private place in his palace. Yet not a single personal item seemed to be kept here. It was lovely, but completely devoid of personality.

There were no other people around, either. No guards and no sign of a spouse or children. She hadn’t heard of any other family members, she realized with a start. Usually ruling families were surrounded by courtiers, hangers-on and distant relatives. This palace seemed all but empty.

“Where is your family?” she asked before she had time to think better of the question.

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