"This way," he said, guiding her through a magnificent doorway held open by two of his men. The room they entered was far smaller and more intimate than the broad hallway in which they’d met. In the center was a sunken stage, surrounded by a series of couches and low tables. An array of exquisite foods had been spread out, and she realized they would be dining in the Imperial style, lounging on the couches while they were entertained.

"Please, make yourself comfortable," he said, leaning down to speak directly in her ear with a soft voice.

The hot wind of his breath made her shiver, tingles running down her spine. His hand touched her back, guiding her toward a low couch broad enough for several guests. She knew without asking that he would be joining her there.

She lowered herself, trying to appear polished rather than awkward. She rolled on to her stomach, leaning against the bolster that had been placed there for just such a purpose. He lowered himself next to her, bracing himself on one side, then reaching over to trail a finger down her cheek.

"Your skin is very soft," he murmured, his eyes mesmerizing her with their focused power. "May I kiss you?"

She nodded wordlessly, surprised he would ask. He leaned toward her, touching his lips to her with infinite slowness. His scent was all around her, she wanted to press herself forward into the kiss, but by then he had already withdrawn.

"When enjoying something as exquisite as this, it's best to move slowly," he whispered. Then he turned to face the stage, reaching out to ring a little bell.

Music filled the room, a strange type of composition she had never heard before. It was sibilant and rich, the instruments a strange mix that was new to her. A single flute wailed a plaintive melody, rising and falling against a background of other sounds.

"This is our own style of music," he murmured. "Von'hotten has always been a haven for artists and musicians, and I strive to support our unique heritage by commissioning works from local composers.

This is something new. I hope you like it."

She nodded, captivated. She had no idea where the musicians were hiding, but they had to be close.


Across the room, behind the screen? It was hard to tell. A woman dressed in a thin, filmy gown came and knelt before them, pouring some kind of drink into crystal goblets.

"Would you care for some wine?" Drake asked, lifting a glass to his lips. He took a sip, smiling in appreciation. "It's another local specialty. This vintage was grown and pressed on one of my own estates."

She nodded, and lifted her own glass. The flavor was rich and sensual, light but with a hint of spiciness that she couldn't quite place. She rolled it on her tongue with appreciation, then gasped as a tingle seemed to run from her mouth down her spine, pooling in the center of her being.

"It's also a light hallucinogen," he murmured, taking another sip. "Not enough to impair your judgment, of course. But we find its effects to be…stimulating."

The music rose around them, building in tempo and pitch. She looked down at the sunken stage with surprise to see several dancers moving in time. A woman and two men moved with lissome grace, wearing only the slightest of coverings draped around their hips. She took another sip of the wine, shivering from the sensation it sent down her spine. Drake reached over and held a small bite of fruit to her lips. She opened her mouth, gently sucking it in and reaching out with her tongue to lick his finger. He slid a little closer to her, leaning over to brush his lips against hers again.

The dancers were moving closer and closer together, their wisps of clothing falling to the floor. They moved with athletic grace, each step causing muscles in their arms and legs to tense and release in time with the music.

“They are well-known group,” Drake whispered. She shivered as his breath danced across her earlobe.

“Several of my nobles have had them perform on their estates. I thought you might appreciate seeing their art.”

She nodded wordlessly, mesmerized by their gyrations. Though not Guild-trained, they truly were talented. The woman, a brunette with short curls bunched around her head and dark skin, had moved closer to the man in front of her. The other man faded into the background as the couple swayed together, their bodies brushing lightly. As Dani watched, the woman’s brown ni**les puckered in arousal, and she rubbed them sensuously against the man’s chest. He responded by arching his back, proudly displaying a growing erection that jutted out toward his partner.

Drake’s hand was rubbing the back of her neck, his movements following the same tempo as that of the dancers. She stretched, all but purring from the sensation. His touch seemed to reach deeply inside her, but she wanted more. She turned toward him, but his gaze was fixed on the dancers.

“Anticipation makes a meal more pleasurable,” he said, his voice smooth as silk. “Watch the dancers.”

She nodded, and turned her attention back to the show before them. The man and woman were kissing now, his light skin forming a stark and beautiful contrast with hers. A detached part of Dani’s mind absently noted that the choreographer had taken exquisite care in selecting and pairing the dancers. Both were slim and athletic, but she was far smaller overall. She rubbed against her partner a moment longer, then started to slowly lower her body toward the ground, kissing him as she moved. The music started to slow, and a low-toned throbbing wound its way into the melody.

The woman was on her knees now, and her tongue darted out to kiss the tip of his cock. It twitched, and his head dropped back. She opened her mouth, slowly sucking the head of his erection into her mouth, then pulling back against it with deliberate motion. Her cheeks hollowed from the suction, she repeated the motion, reaching her hand around to cup his bu**ocks from behind. Bracing herself against his body, she started to bob her head back and forth on his hard length, deliberately, each thrust of her head punctuated by the music.

The other man slipped out of the shadows, coming to kneel behind her. He was much darker than either of the other two, his skin so dark he seemed like a shadow. Once again Dani gave a sigh of appreciation for the choreographer’s skill. Seeing the three of them together was more than sexually stimulating. They were beautiful, each a slightly different shade of smooth skin, ranging from pale to darkest black. Exquisite.

The woman was still fully engaged in sucking her partner’s c**k as the second man reached his hands around her body to cup her br**sts. His fingers grasped and pulled at her ni**les, then one of his hands drifted to the cleft between her legs. He stroked her there for a while until her hips twisted and squirmed again his touch. He grasped her shoulders and pulled her away from the first man, his c**k coming out of her mouth with one smooth motion.

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