Viktor's eyes slanted to his right. Hearing the door slam behind him, he turned his chair around. His dark blue eyes were guarded.

Lincoln stood by the door, clutching the knob. Viktor released a harsh sigh. "Something else…" Victor paused to think of the right words, "on your mind?" His eyebrow raised in query.

Lincoln released his tense grip on the knob to approach the thick, wide glass desk. He came closer, to stand before Viktor. Viktor relaxed in his seat and arched backward, casually folding his arms over his broad chest. He looked up at Lincoln's massive six-foot four-inch frame, whose shadow eclipsed Viktor's body. Lincoln's honey-colored eyes bored through Viktor's. Lincoln's strong jaw tensed. "Is there any phone call so important that you could ignore a briefing about your own wife's kidnapping?"

Viktor blanched, more from inner rage than embarrassment. He lowered his eyes, "You seem to have the matter under control."

"Do you have any idea where she is?"

Mat's gasp was audible.

Viktor's smirk was incredulous. "You driving something at here - Lincoln Huntington?"

"I want to know who was on the other line of that call you got earlier. What do you know about Audrianna's kidnapping? You see, the world of Audrianna Maxckmillian, which is totally eclipsed by the all-knowing Viktor Maxckmillian, holds no secrets from you; but the rest of us are not privy to it ." Lincoln's left hand clenched the secret Contingency Plan file painfully. "If you know who has her, then I want to know now."

Viktor's fists landed with extreme force on the glass desk. "Do you truly believe v'at I-" Viktor paused to take a deep calming breath. "Do you think I could ever, ever, delay my wife's homecoming for the sake of one-upmanship over you?" Viktor's voice was savage. "Over anyone?" Viktor stood up swiftly with a force that shot his chair backward. "I would never betray Audrianna in this way." Viktor's height nearly matched Lincoln's. "I know you don't respect my ethics, but give me some credit for the way I handle my business. Whoever took my wife - I don't know - but be sure, they will regret their actions this day."

A tense silence filled the room a moment before a sharp rap was heard against the door. A good-looking brunette, Miriam Whitfield, staggered into the office and collapsed unceremoniously in one of the empty guest chairs. "Alcohol please," she gasped for breath. "Anything will do."


Viktor buzzed his assistant secretary Emily and ordered a scotch and tonic. Emily, a petit, raven-haired girl with strict bearing, walked in with a tray of bottles of scotch, gin, tonic, and empty glasses. Miriam passed on the gin, deciding on the rich, dark liquid. Emily poured the liquor into one of the glasses. Miriam swiped one immediately, quickly downing it in one, strong gulp.

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