“The banks werent the goal. They were the diversion,” Ty murmured sadly. “This was one pissed-off young man,” McCoy said. His exhaustion was clear in the deep lines and shadows on his face. “Initial profile says that by Suttons reckoning, the world needed to crash and burn and be rebuilt. And the other kids have told interrogators that he zeroed in on Grady after the aquarium. Called you his white whale.”

“That… makes no sense,” Ty muttered.

“Hes talking about Moby Dick,” Zane said.

“I know what it means, Garrett!” Ty snapped.

Zane shrugged and looked at his partner askance, but he didnt pick up the looming argument. He closed the file and let it fall to his lap, then reached up to rub the back of his neck as it twinged painfully.

“What about the others?” Ty asked abruptly. Zane suspected he wanted to know about Hannah Myles. “Its clear from interviews with the other three kids that Sutton became increasingly unstable over the past year. Erratic, angry, hateful, but at the same time extravagant and wild. They didnt want him to take his temper out on them, so they went along with his plans,” McCoy concluded.

“Whats the US District Attorney going to do?” Zane asked quietly, thinking about the sheer terror on Grahams face. “Theyll likely go with our recommendations,” McCoy said. “Probably extended time in a minimum-security jail for Ross Tanger, assignment to a low-security womens facility for Hannah Myles, and possibly just probation for Graham Lewis, considering his choice to turn Sutton in and the fact he wasnt personally involved in any robberies.”

“So its over,” Zane said slowly.

McCoy raised one shoulder. “For now. This time.”

“Im going to go get drunk,” Ty stated, pushing himself up out of his chair.

Zane stood as well, tapping the file folder on his other palm. “You coming to the wake, Mac?” “Ill drop by,” McCoy said. “At least make an appearance and then bow out so the real drinking can begin. You two go on. And you, Garrett, have a drink yourself. That was a dumbshit thing to do, but youre the hero of the hour.”


“Yeah, hes a real f**king hero,” Ty grumbled as he walked out of the office, but Zane could hear the undertone of pride in his voice. Then Zane grimaced. “Im going to be on TV again, arent I,” he said, dread building. “Running for the end zone,” McCoy confirmed. “Were going to have a talk about your newfound popularity next week. But for now, go on. Get out of here. Ill see you two later.”

“I VEgot Garretts first drink,” Perrimore announced as Zane walked into the pub the Bureau had taken over for the night. “Hes damn well earned it.” Applause broke out, and Zane felt his cheeks heat—he was glad hed decided not to shave off the beard. He hadnt planned to be a hero.

“Hes also our DD, so make it a Coke,” Clancy answered as she pulled Zane by the elbow around some tables to join the rest of the crew.

“Hell, Ill buy whatever drinks Garrett wants all night if it means I dont have to drive home,” Alston said, toasting Zane with his bottle of beer.

Zane shrugged out of his jacket and sat down next to Lassiter, who bumped their shoulders together companionably. “Good one, Zane,” Lassiter said seriously, holding out his hand. “Thanks, Harry,” Zane replied as he shook it.

“Wheres your partner, Garrett?” Alston asked.

“Went home to change,” Zane said, frowning a little. “I figured hed beat me here. He was more than ready for a drink after this afternoon.”

“Amen to that,” Perrimore added as he set a tall glass bottle of Coke in front of Zane.

Zane smiled his thanks. “They practically had to cuff him to a chair to keep him still long enough to debrief.” Everyone who had ever tried to keep Ty focused on something in the office for more than an hour laughed, and the table dissolved into meaningless chatter. They talked about work, mostly, because to a group of FBI agents, there wasnt much else, and because theyd all worked with Lydia Reeves in some way. But they also talked about softball, their kids, their spouses, their exes, the Ravens winning and the Orioles losing, about the weird smell that had been emanating from the third-floor supply room for a week now, and anything else that would fill the companionable silence.

They were on their second round when Alston sat up straighter and waved at someone whod just come into the crowded bar. When Zane turned, he saw Ty making his way through the standing-roomonly floor toward them. Ty smiled and nodded as he pardoned his way past people, sliding his hand down one womans arm as he squeezed by her, patting someone on the shoulder and smiling like he knew the guy as he slipped past.

He waved two fingers at the bartender he probably did know very well, since they were just a block or two from his house, and he stepped up to the table to put his arms around Alston and Clancy.

“Whatd I miss?”

“Youre two rounds behind, Grady,” Alston announced.

“What took you so long?” Clancy asked practically on top of Alstons words. “And why didnt you keep the uniform on?” Zane just watched his partner, again feeling the rush of thankfulness for being able to see. Ty was, as the cliché went, a sight for sore eyes, and Zane wished they were anywhere but a bar crowded with their friends and co-workers. He swallowed hard, feeling his pulse pick up as the same thoughts that had been racing in circles in his head the past few hours started right back up again.

Hed told Ty that he loved him, no ifs, ands, or buts. There was no going back now, and Zane wouldnt if he had the chance. But damn, they had to call some kind of moratorium on important declarations during life-threatening situations.

Ty gave them all his trademark crooked grin, either oblivious to Zanes gaze on him or ignoring it like he often did when they were together in a crowd. “I had to change and take everything to the cleaners before the burnt smell settled in,” Ty told them just as the bartender called out his name.

Ty turned and stretched across the bar to take the two beers hed ordered. He stood right there at the bar and gulped down one bottle as the others heckled him. He slammed the empty on the bar, nodded to the girl cheekily, and then brought his other bottle to the table with him. He sat on the edge of Clancys stool, the two of them using each other as backrests. Tys knee brushed Zanes as he settled in, and when Zane caught himself watching his partner, he was glad it was fairly dark in the pubs interior but for the colored light of the beer signs and the several LCD TVs mounted on the walls.

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