“Were not going to make it to the lube, are we?” Ty asked in a rough, amused voice as he pressed his nose to Zanes and let their lips drag together.

“Round two,” Zane promised as he dragged his fingers down Tys chest to palm his lovers cock. “Please,” he begged as he hitched himself closer.

Ty groaned against his lips and kissed him again. He worked one hand under Zanes neck, curling it around to pull Zane closer. The other hand slid between their bodies again, fingers stroking, palm sliding up and down Zane and between his legs. Zane shivered as he touched Ty the same way, and the electricity of Tys touch spidered through him, making him twitch and gasp as he stiffened, right on the edge.

“Come on, baby,” Ty rasped at him, kissing him hastily as he jacked him harder. A yell wrenched its way out of Zane before he could bite it back. The sudden contact of Tys hard body against his aching c**k was too much to handle, and Zane curled his fists against Tys back and cried out wordlessly as he spurted into Tys hand. Ty continued relentlessly, stroking him as his fingers dragged against Zanes abs. Zane barely registered it when Ty pushed him to his back, kissing him just as enthusiastically. He tried to kiss, too, but he was shaking too hard to hold his hands still.

Tys fingers were on his cheek again. He was holding Zanes head as he kissed him, pushing down and against his body, his kisses more frantic and breathless than they had been. Zane was swept up in it, giving himself over to Ty, dizzy with his orgasm and overheated by the press of their bodies. It took him too long to realize that Ty was actually speaking in between the almost frenzied meetings of their lips. What he was saying Zane couldnt decipher, but he knew he heard the words “missed you” and “love” among them, and suddenly his eyes prickled and his chest tightened. Throat choking up, Zane reached out to wrap his arms around Ty to pull him closer.

Ty actually growled. He rutted against Zane, using the hard muscle over Zanes hip for friction. He slid both hands under Zanes arms, under his body, and gripped the backs of his shoulders again. It was a position theyd found themselves in plenty of times before, and their bodies melded well. Of course, usually Ty was buried to the hilt inside Zane at this point, and the feel of his c**k sliding instead against the curve of his groin was both exciting and erotic, like Ty wanted him too badly to take more care in how they both came. Ty bit at Zanes lower lip, thrusting his tongue into Zanes mouth the same way he probably wanted to thrust something else into him.

It filtered through the passion that Zane felt wanted and needed and loved, and it pulled another groan from him. “Ty,” he moaned once their mouths broke apart.

Ty ducked his head and pressed his cheek against Zanes, ceasing the frantic movements for a moment as the world moved a little slower around them. Then Ty gasped against Zanes ear and moved over him, their bodies sliding together. Zane tried to focus on what Ty was doing, but he was still woozy and weak. He managed to spread his legs, giving Ty more room between them.

Ty turned his head again, laughing breathlessly. “I wouldnt make it five seconds if I f**ked you right now,” he told Zane tightly. “I totally understand,” Zane said on a half laugh. “Let me help, baby.” Ty pushed up, then rolled them instead, and he pulled Zane with him until they both lay on their sides again. Zane reached out to press both palms to Tys chest, feeling its rise and fall.

Ty threw his leg over Zanes hip again, thrusting himself hard against Zanes body. “Yes,” Zane hissed, gripping Tys thigh and adding a little push to his hips.

“Christ, Zane,” Ty gasped out desperately. His fingers dug into Zanes back, his blunt fingernails scratching their way down one side as he sought release. Ty had never been one to cause pain intentionally in bed; he had to be so far gone into the pleasure he didnt know he was doing it. Zane squeezed his eyes shut and shuddered. The sting easily blended with the thrill still lapping through him. He felt himself going hard again, and he groaned aloud and clutched at Ty, trying to twist to get more stimulation, even if nothing would come of it. This time, anyway.


Ty arched his back, and the movement of his hips became more erratic. His c**k slid against Zane, hard and demanding. He pulled Zane closer, kissing him possessively, his fingers digging in. He broke the kiss with a sharp gasp and groaned loudly, the sound almost desperate, as Zane felt the warm come spreading against his belly. Zane kissed along Tys jaw and throat, silently awed by how incredible they were together.

Zane pushed his face into the sweaty skin at the crook of Tys neck and held on tight. Ty was still breathing hard, shivers running through his body as he hugged Zane to him. They stayed that way for what seemed like a long time, long enough for Ty to get his breathing under control again and for the cool air to become noticeable on their bare skin.

Finally, Ty moved, but only enough to shift his arm into a more comfortable position and pull Zane closer. “What brought that on?” he asked quietly.

Zane wasnt sure he could vocalize the words that were whizzing through his mind like a Tilt-A-Whirl. “Missed you,” he got out. But then he tacked on, in a bare whisper, “Afraid of losing you.”

Ty sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping as his grip on Zane loosened. “Were too naked to argue right now, but were definitely having a talk about the sexual-favors-to-keep-my-interest issue,” he mumbled. His words were teasing, but the tone was decidedly less cheerful.

“Wasnt all about apologizing or keeping your interest,” Zane tried to offer in his defense. “Id gotten so riled up just thinking about what it would be like to suck your dick that I could hardly stand it anymore.”

Ty was silent, not even breathing as he apparently mulled over what Zane had said. After a few tense moments, he let the air out in a rush and laughed. “Hell, Zane, why didnt you say so? I could have helped you out earlier.”

Zane wrinkled his nose and shrugged slightly under Tys weight. “Took me a while to work myself up to the idea. For some reason its more… I dont know. Intimate, I guess. Even than f**king.”

Ty turned his head, looking at Zane thoughtfully. He just nodded minutely and reached up to run his fingers through Zanes hair. It felt like the place for “I love you” again. Zane suspected that was what Ty wanted to say.

So now, that left the words to Zane. It was time. Hed thought it to death, tried to reason out if he was right or wrong, worked to let go of the past and live in the now, chewed over his fears about being worthy of Ty. Zane swallowed hard, taking a quick breath to quell the rush of adrenaline. Fight or flight, he thought distantly, his pulse roaring in his ears.

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