“Are they hot?” Ty asked as he rounded the counter and came up to stand beside Zane, pulling the bag of food toward him.

“Yes, dear,” Zane placated. “I had them double wrap them in foil.” Ty reached out sideways, throwing his arm against Zanes chest and grabbing him by the shirt front. He shoved him backward until Zane hit the refrigerator, then held him pinned there with his forearm as a dozen or so glass bottles within the refrigerator clanked together noisily.

“So theyll stay warm for a while,” Ty said, close enough to Zane that his words were breaths against Zanes lips. For a wild few seconds, Zane could hardly believe hed let Ty catch him off guard. Then he caught Tys familiar scent and the heat of his skin, and the lust that had simmered since the showers that morning started perking toward a boil. “Yeah,” he whispered, pulse thrumming as he set his hands at Tys hips.

The pressure of Tys arm lessened as he moved his hand across Zanes chest, sliding his palm instead against the side of Zanes neck and gripping him tightly as he kissed him.

It was easy to sag against Ty to try to get closer. Zane wanted those kisses, and he wanted Ty to manhandle him. As incredibly seductive as Ty had been during the undercover case that had ended a couple of weeks ago, playing at being an outwardly docile trophy husband on a cruise ship and taking a devoted ride on the submissive side, Zane couldnt help but crave having Ty take control. It was f**king hot, and Ty did it so well. He moaned into Tys mouth just thinking about it.

This was why hed needled Ty all afternoon. It worked almost every time: get Ty just a little annoyed with him and plant a few suggestive comments to give him an outlet.

Ty was still kissing him when he reached up to pull at the knot of Zanes tie. “I cant believe you didnt even crack a smile,” he mumbled against Zanes lips. “Babooms, man. That shits funny.”

Zane let out a breathless laugh. “Years of practice,” he muttered as he chased Tys lips with his own. Ty roughly yanked the tie off, tossing it over his shoulder, then reached for Zanes dress shirt. “Youve been practicing the wrong things,” he growled as he pulled hard. Zane heard material rip, and several buttons went flying. Ty didnt seem to care. And it just made Zanes pants fit tighter.

“What should I be practicing?” he goaded as he leaned to nip at Tys earlobe.

Ty shoved him back against the appliance, and the contents rocked inside it again. Something toppled over and clattered. Then Ty yanked him forward again, into the narrow kitchen. He hooked his foot behind Zanes leg and practically tackled him, sending them both to the floor. Ty used his weight to pin Zane to the bare hardwood as Zane gasped for air. He had Zanes wrists in his hands and was kissing him again, right there in the middle of the floor, and Zane could only whisper Tys name whenever their lips parted.

Zanes fingers splayed as Ty held his wrists against whatever force Zane tried to bring to bear, but he was well and truly caught. He whimpered against Tys lips, wordlessly begging for more as he pushed his hips against his lovers.


He could tell Tyd had a plan when hed started this, perhaps one devised to torture Zane just a little—well, hell, maybe a lot—at first. But now Ty seemed to have lost the more controlled feeling to him. He loosened his hands from around Zanes wrists and moved one to Zanes body to push the remains of his shirt aside and dip under his belt, sliding his rough fingers against Zanes sensitive skin. Zane groaned happily and shifted under Tys touch, and he reached for his belt buckle to loosen it.

Ty pushed up to give both their hands room to move, helping him with the belt as he continued to hold Zanes other wrist against the ground.

“Fuck, Zane,” he grumbled, finally letting Zanes other hand go and pushing himself to kneel over Zanes thighs. “Why are you always wearing so many clothes?”

“Oh, for Christs sake,” Zane muttered as he unfastened his pants and folded over the placket. “Am I supposed to strip down anytime I walk in now?” he asked as he sat up enough to pull the ruined dress shirt and thin undershirt over his head and toss them aside. “Or maybe Im just waiting for you to tell me what to do about it,” he prodded as he leaned back on his elbows, hoping it would push Ty back into action. Zane was hard and visibly straining his briefs. Ty in charge did that to him really damn quickly.

“With your track record, youll come in playing strippergram and Ill be in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner or something,” Ty grumbled. He leaned closer to Zane, putting his hands on the floor beside Zanes hips. “Shut up,” he added almost as an afterthought, his lips moving just inches away from Zanes. He was on his hands and knees again, still fully clothed even after bitching about Zanes unsatisfactory state of undress, and he looked down at Zane with narrowed eyes.

Zane looked at him innocently. “What? Do I have to come up with some more puns?” “You really have no concept of how close you are to not getting f**ked, do you?” Ty asked darkly. Zane shut his mouth and watched Ty closely for clues. He didnt think hed pushed too much, but he could have miscalculated. “Thats what I thought,” Ty growled before roughly kissing Zane again, forcing him flat on the floor, actually sliding him on the hardwood with the force and barely giving him the chance to breathe as he practically devoured him.

Something inside Zane gave a pitifully grateful cry of thanks as he collapsed under Tys weight, not even caring that his shoulders and skull hit the floor hard. He was dizzy already, and all his nerve endings sparked whenever Ty touched him.

Zane craved this. He needed it, like he needed air. His reaction only spurred Ty on. Rough hands roamed over Zanes body. Hips ground down against him. Teeth scraped against Zanes lips and tongue and cheek and chin and neck. The days worth of stubble on Tys face was almost painful against Zanes skin, but Ty so rarely did this to him that Zane wasnt about to object. He wanted to be overwhelmed; it was a hell of a ride when Ty got it in his head to really drive them to another level.

Zane shuddered as it occurred to him that it really didnt seem like just sex anymore. It was more, more passionate, more emotional, more energizing, more draining… at that moment, he wasnt sure it had ever been just sex between them. He knew Ty loved him, and sometimes he could feel how badly Ty wanted him. Zane moaned and clutched at Ty. “Please,” he breathed.

Ty pushed away from him and quickly yanked his T-shirt over his head, revealing the impressive display of muscles Zane had become so familiar with. He tossed the shirt aside as he laid himself back out over Zane and kissed him hungrily, their bare skin catching and pulling as Ty moved.

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