He distantly heard the sound of a drawer opening and shutting, and after a few short moments, Ty was back. When he touched Zane, it was obvious that hed stripped off the rest of his clothes while moving. Theyd be tripping over Tys blue suit all the way to the bedroom. If they got that far. When Ty pressed against him, it was all hard muscle, smooth skin, and rough hands. He grabbed at the backs of Zanes thighs and tugged, pulling Zanes feet away from the door and almost off the floor. It lowered Zane to Tys height, and Ty rubbed his hard c**k against Zanes as he licked and sucked and nipped at Zanes lips.

Zane grabbed for Tys shoulders and held on tight. Ty was hot and hard all over, and Zane needed him badly. “Baby, please,” Zane groaned.

“Oh, now Im „baby, am I?” Ty asked gruffly, his voice husky and strained. “What happened to making me jealous? Teasing poor Ty with the hot waiter?” His hand grabbed Zanes ass again and squeezed hard; then he pulled at the back of Zanes thigh and bent his knees, lowering himself enough to yank Zanes left leg over his hip.

Zane shifted his weight to his right leg, reached out to grab the doorknob with his left hand, and hooked his other arm over Tys shoulder, needing some kind of leverage as Ty manhandled him. “Need you too much to tease,” he got out between breaths. “Didnt plan it, really didnt.”

Ty hummed disbelievingly. Zane heard the distinctive pop of the cap on the tube of lubricant, and then Tys hand was between them, squeezing the cold gel out onto his own c**k and onto Zanes. He tossed the tube away, and Zane heard it land somewhere as Tys hand wrapped around both of them and began to jack them slowly.

His lips came to rest against Zanes for a moment before moving. “Im going to f**k you until you cant remember your name,” he promised in an oddly intimate voice. He pulled Zanes lower lip between his and dragged his teeth along it.

Zane clutched at his lover desperately as Tys hand squeezed. Fuck, he wanted that. “Please… please, Ty.” “Nobody likes a beggar,” Ty whispered. He hiked Zanes leg up higher and reached behind him with his slick hand. His fingers were hot as they massaged at Zane, teasing at him, taunting him by dipping deeper and twisting. They f**ked often enough that it didnt take much preparation, sometimes nothing but lubricant. Ty was doing this now because he wanted to tease Zane, not because Zane needed it.

Zane gasped out a laugh. “You love it when I beg.” Ty growled again, biting down harder on Zanes lip as he moved with alarming speed and power. He hooked his arm under Zanes leg and hefted him farther up the door, getting a gasp of surprise out of Zane. That leg now rested in the crook of Tys arm, and Zanes balance on the other was threatened when Ty slammed Zane against the door, holding him there with the weight of his body and the strength of his arms. His hands tugged at Zanes hips, bowing Zanes back, and Zane could feel the head of Tys cock, rock hard against his ass.

A wild, needy keen tore from Zanes throat as his fingers scrabbled for purchase on Tys skin. He would have given anything to see Tys face right at this moment. He could imagine it: hazel eyes sparking, brow furrowed and full lips pursed with concentration and intent. The amount of pure brute strength and violent desire it had to take for Ty to practically pick Zane up and hold most of his weight was incredible.

He jostled Zane some more, grunting and sucking air through his teeth as he struggled to get them in position. It took a few attempts as Ty fumbled and kissed him messily, but he finally forced himself inside Zane as he let gravity pull Zanes body down. By the purr that echoed through them both, Zane could tell Ty was savoring the slow slide, and when the head of his c**k pushed past Zanes tight muscle, he punctuated it with another violent exploration of Zanes mouth and a hard thrust of his hips.

Zanes cry of pained pleasure was muffled by their kiss, and he dug in his fingers and tensed his leg, trying to hold onto Ty. It was uncomfortable and precarious and unbelievably f**king hot. Zane thought he might come at any moment, come all over Ty and himself right there, just as Ty was getting started. He would have been embarrassed if he didnt want it so badly.


“Fuck,” he gasped as soon as their lips parted. “Oh f**k… Ty.”

Ty didnt respond other than to bury his face in Zanes neck and thrust up into him again, over and over. He occasionally hitched Zane higher, the sensation of being picked up and then pulled down onto Tys c**k entirely different from anything Zane had experienced before. Ty panted heavily with exertion and bit at Zanes shoulder as if he wanted to simply devour him. Zane wanted to be eaten alive. He held on as the pleasure racked him until he couldnt conceive of anything but Tys hands and teeth on his skin and riding Tys cock.

A low growl started in Tys throat, and the thrusts of his hips began to slam Zane erratically against the door. He tightened his hold on Zanes leg and ass and lifted him higher yet again, putting Zane on the toes of one foot, and Zane gasped as the warm skin of his back skipped on the weather-chilled painted metal of the door, catching and pulling. Tys growl became a tortured, brutal shout as he f**ked Zane painfully hard, without any regard for either of their bodies.

It only took a few of those thrusts to force a broken whine out of Zane as the tension in him snapped and he slammed into climax, coming in pulses with Tys thrusts, his come smearing between them. Zanes entire body tensed and strained in Tys arms, helpless. All he could do was trust Ty to keep him from falling and ride out the pleasure that was blotting out absolutely everything but his lover moving inside him, prolonging the orgasm.

It was a few more glorious seconds before Tys movements froze and his body arched. He was silent as he came inside Zane. When his body uncoiled, he was gasping for breath, his forehead resting against Zanes shoulder. His skin was damp with sweat, and his arms and shoulders trembled as he pulled out of Zane quickly and lowered Zanes feet to the ground. But Zanes legs were far too wobbly to support him, and he grasped at Ty as he started to slide down the door to the thin carpet. Ty huffed a laugh, and they sank to the floor together. Ty shifted and sat down with a thump beside Zane, his back to the door and their shoulders brushing. He was breathing hard from the exertion, still gasping for air.

Zane leaned sideways and laid his head against Tys shoulder. “Whats my name again?” he murmured, still spinning. It was really hard to stop being dizzy when he couldnt focus his eyes on something to halt the motion.

Ty began to chuckle, though the sound was an exhausted one. “Thatll learn ya,” he drawled, obviously pleased with himself. Zane reached up to pet Tys thigh and then splayed his hand in the curve of Tys elbow just below where he rested his head. Tys arm snaked around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly. He pressed a kiss to Zanes forehead, then buried his nose in Zanes hair and inhaled deeply.

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