Deuce hummed again. “Maybe you should use some of your free time thinking about that. Cause if I know my brother, hell stick with you through just about anything, including going blind. But I dont know how long hell stick around if hes the only one thinking hes in love.”

Zane frowned but had nothing to reply, and they sat there in silence, Zane with his mind buzzing in circles, for almost a full minute before he cleared his throat quietly. “Thanks for the talk, Deuce. I really appreciate it.”

“Any time, Zane. You know that,” Deuce told him with confidence. “Say hello to my brother, huh?” “Yeah, I will,” Zane agreed, smoothing his palm down over Tys belly. “Talk to you later.” He hit the end-call button out of habit; he didnt need to see the phone to know where it was. “Well,” he muttered, “that was full of up and downs, wasnt it?”

Ty grunted as if in answer and fitfully rolled onto his side. Zane smiled. He did feel better, though after that last bit of conversation, he wasnt sure he should. W HEN the phone rang, Zane startled and sat up in a rush, his left hand reaching out to fumble for his phone. He hit solid, warm skin, and he paused in place. He was on the wrong side of the bed, and he could tell by the bustle of sound from the street that it wasnt the middle of the night. He still couldnt see. The disappointment and fear welled into his throat.

“Ow, Zane,” Ty grunted in a monotone, sleepy voice as Zane

pawed at him. He pushed Zanes hand away, and the bed dipped as he rolled over. Zane heard him smack his hand onto the table where the cell phone rang. “Grady,” he grunted in answer to the call. He sighed in annoyance. “Now?” he asked whoever was on the other end of the call. “Well, why dont you come here and get it from me like all the other witnesses?” he asked petulantly. “Fine. Im at Garretts place.”

Then he clicked the phone closed and groaned plaintively, rolling around again. Zane knew him well enough to guess he was burying his head under his pillow in protest.

Zane sighed and lay back down, facing toward Ty, dragging his own pillow under his chest. “Work?” he murmured, wide awake now, although the scare was fading.

“Sort of,” Ty mumbled as he lifted up and then rolled out of bed, barely disturbing the mattress. “They want a witness statement from me,” he said as his voice trailed off toward the hallway. “Theyre sending a car.”

Zane missed the warmth of Tys body immediately. He stretched his hand out to rub his fingers across the still-warm fitted sheet. “About the bomb at the baseball field?”

“That and the other. And Ive got to go in and find that damn kid and get your keys back.”


“Not like I need them,” Zane muttered.

“You will soon enough,” Ty told him. The water began running soon after. Zane stood to walk to the bathroom, but his phones low chime stopped him. He felt his way back to the nightstand and answered with a hint of trepidation. “Zane Garrett.”

“Special Agent Garrett, this is Dolores from PR at the Bureau.” “Okay?” Dolores worked for White Strips. He wondered if her boss made her stock floss. “Weve received a large number of requests for interviews, and I wanted to check to see when you thought you might feel up to giving some.”

“Giving some… interviews? About what?” Zane slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. “Some are speaking requests from community leaders who attended the classes youve spoken at recently. But weve also had several requests since the press somehow connected you to the aquarium bomb scare. Youre quite the celebrity now,” she said cheerfully.

Zane didnt know what to say. “Ill think about it,” he said weakly.

“Do you still plan to give your talk at the community class this coming Saturday?”

“Do you know what happened to me yesterday?” Zane asked carefully. “Yes, and Im very sorry,” she said, her voice softening. “The SAIC said that its your choice about Saturday. Can you let me know by tomorrow if youre going or not?”

“Yeah, okay,” Zane said. He ended the call and set the phone back on the nightstand as he heard the water cut off. Zane felt Ty moving around the small room very shortly after.

“You okay?” Ty said in a low voice, much closer to Zane than hed expected. Ty patted his shoulder and sidled past him. Zane reached out just in time for his fingers to drag down the damp skin of Tys back. “Yeah.” Ty hummed in response, the sound coming from the general direction of the end of Zanes bed. “Have you seen my blue tie?” he asked distractedly.

Zane chuckled before he could help it. He stood up, moving away from the bed. “Ah. Maybe hanging with the other suit in the drycleaning bag.” Theyd gotten into enough messes the past few months that now they each kept a suit or two at each others place.

Ty grunted and made an apologetic noise. “Sorry. Forgot about the… seeing thing.” “Guess Ill get used to it fast,” Zane said as he tried to figure out by listening what Ty was doing. “Did they say how long this would take?”

“Hour or two. Means probably four.” There was rustling and the occasional whiff of Old Spice, and Zane figured Ty was putting on clothing, waving his shirt or jacket through the air as he put his arms into the sleeves. “Do you need anything before I go?”

Zane reached out to touch the chest of drawers in front of him. He might as well get dressed if Ty was going to be gone. “No, I dont guess so.”

Tys hands suddenly slid up Zanes sides, moving to hug him as Tys chest pressed against his back. He was fully clothed—the soft material of Tys Tom Ford suit was unmistakable. Zane could feel the knot of his tie, the telltale quality of the material. “The blue suit,” Zane murmured. Close fit that hugged his shoulders and body, blue wool, silk overcheck, broken herringbone pattern, single-breasted peak lapel. Ty looked incredible in it. As much as Ty loved to dress down—ratty T-shirts and busted-down jeans—he knew how to look good too.

“Yeah?” Ty replied, lips moving against Zanes shoulder. “Your favorite. You like the material. Pants fit right. Slim fit in the jacket.” Zane lifted his hands to touch Tys and slide up over the suit jacket sleeves to Tys elbows. “Makes your eyes brighter,” he said before really thinking about it.

“Is that so?”

Zane ducked his head, glad Ty was behind him and not looking at his face. “I dont think anyone at the office is concerned about the brightness of my eyes. Except maybe that f**king PR guy. But thank you, all the same,” Ty tacked on slyly.

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