“What the hell do you want?” I jumped when I heard Marcus’ voice. For a second, I thought he was in my room, but the sound was coming through the wall. Oh my God, the wall! I could hear their conversation. I rolled the chair closer, so I could get a better listen. Then I felt stupid for eavesdropping. I was going to go back to the desk when I heard my name.

Chapter Ten

“What’s going on with you and Mia?” His brother’s voice was stern.

“None of your business.”

“Seriously? None of my business!” His brother was angry. There were a few seconds of silence before he spoke again, this time with a calmer tone. “Come on, Marc. You know I don’t like arguing with you. You’re my baby brother, and we’re in this together. You told me you were going to back off. We can’t deal with any interruptions right now. You do understand that, right?” There was another few seconds before someone spoke.

“Yeah, I understand,” he sighed. Marcus’ voice was lower, but I could still make out what was said.

“Good. Let’s just focus on this job. Okay?”

“Yeah, whatever you say, boss.” Marcus said sarcastically.

“Come on, Bro, don’t be like that. This is just as hard on me as it is on you. We are so close to finishing this job. I just don’t want some chick to ruin it all.”

“She’s not just some chick, Jimmie; there’s something different about her.”

“Look, Bro, I can understand that, but your timing is way off. Let it go now before you get too deep into something you can’t back away from.” Nothing was said. I heard footsteps on the hardwood floors stomping across the room then the sound of the door opening and closing.


After a few more seconds I heard a loud bang and something shattered, as if glass were thrown across the room. “Fuck!” Marcus yelled.

I quietly rolled back to the desk. When I was safely secured behind the desk I crossed my arms on top of the table and laid my head on my wrists. What the hell was that about? Does this mean that Marcus and I can’t be together? Does his brother have so much control over him that all it takes is a mere snapping of his fingers, and Marcus does what he's told?

If that’s the case, then that means we can’t have more than just an employer-employee relationship. Why is it when I finally really like a guy, who makes all my problems and fears go away with a simple kiss or touch, he’s taken away from me? I should be used to having important people taken away from me by now, but no matter how many times it happens, it still hurts.

I spent the next three hours contemplating whether I should go over to his office and let him know everything I heard, or if I should just leave it alone and see what he would do. So far he hadn’t come over to check on me, to go over any files, not even to discuss what my duties would be.

He hadn’t left his office either. I wondered what he was thinking. I kept replaying the conversation between him and his brother over and over in my head, but nothing made sense to me. If everything he said to me over the weekend was true, then he wouldn’t listen to his brother, and we’d continue our relationship, but if he listened to him …

My phone vibrated against the wooden desk. It startled me, and I grabbed it in the hope it was Marcus, but it was only Jeremy.

Jeremy (11:58am): Lunch?

Me (11:58am): Sure, meet u in the lobby in 2 mins?

Jeremy (11:59am): K

I inhaled and exhaled one deep breath before standing up. I grabbed my purse and headed towards the door. It felt like it was going to be a long day. Slowly turning the knob and exiting out the door, I quietly shut it in the hope that he wouldn’t hear me exit. When I turned around, Marcus was walking out of his office too. Great! We just stood there looking at each other, confused and anxious with desperate looks between us.

My heart was beating rapidly … He looked so lost. I just wanted to reach out and touch him; instead, I pulled myself together and walked past him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him. “What’s wrong?” His eyes were searching mine, trying to find something, his answer? Our relationship? Our feelings for one another? I didn’t know what he was searching for.

I looked down at my elbow that his hand was gently holding and looked back up at him. I yanked away from his grip.

“You tell me.” I couldn’t hold it in. I’m the worst with crap like this.

“What are you talking about?”

“I heard you and your brother talking.” He took a few steps back to collect what he just heard.

“What do you mean you heard us talking?”

“You guys were pretty loud, and the conversation came through the walls. I couldn’t hear everything, just bits and pieces, but from what I did hear, basically I’m considered an interruption, and therefore we cannot be together.” Okay, so I lied. I didn’t want him to know that I could hear everything from his office. He’d probably move my desk.

He looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. He’s thinking? It seemed like he’d been thinking for the last three hours. “Mia, I’m sorry you had to hear that.” He brought his head back down.

“So what does this mean?” I crossed my arms.

He shook his head. “I don’t know.” He just stared at me, not saying anything after that comment. It was like he was waiting for me to come up with a solution to our problem.

It pissed me off. “Well, when you figure it out, let me know. I’m meeting Jeremy for lunch.” I turned and walked away, slightly swaying my hips to show him what he’d be missing. I thought he would run after me and ask me to go to lunch with him instead, but he didn’t. It took so much of my willpower not to look back. I didn’t, and I felt like the biggest idiot. Why didn’t I just tell him how I felt? Sometimes my head takes over my heart, and I’m left with unanswered questions.

Jeremy and I decided on a small diner up the block from the building. It was extremely packed, so we had no choice but to sit at the counter. He went on and on about how much he loved the partner he was working with, how cool he was, and how much he’d taught him in just the few hours they spent together. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. This was supposed to be my future, my career, and here I was swooning over my boss instead of preparing myself for my future. I have to get my head out of this fantasy and bring myself back to reality.

“What’s up with you? You haven’t touched your salad.” He asked as he dipped a fry into the ketchup he squirted onto the side of his plate then tossed it into his mouth.