"Cheers to Emma and her perfect life."

"Almost perfect." I corrected her

Our glasses clicked and I chugged it,coughing when I did.

Two hours later The line for club was huge and we were no where close to getting in.

"Mer, lets just go we've been in line for two hours." I said finally giving up on the idea of getting in.

"No,it took a lot to get you to come out here tonight..."

I put a hand on her shoulder and said

" it's okay, I promise I will go out with you for the time that I am here."

" I will not leave until I do." I added

she quirks an eyebrow


"Promise?" she asks looking unconvinced

"Promise." I assured her

she nodded and I began to backup but, accidentally bumped into someone. I turned around and saw a man with dreamy green eyes that mixed perfectly with my blue eyes and brown hair that was only a shade darker from mine.Jeez, Emma get a grip you just met this guy and your already comparing him to yourself.

He started swear but I only heard about half of it because he wasn't even looking at me, he was wiping out the wrinkle in hes coat.

still not looking at me he said

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