I pulled to a stop in front of the bay of garage doors, hoping I didn’t choose the one he’d have to pull his car out of. I cut the engine and got out to walk to the front door.

I rang the bell. I could hear the muted majestic chimes sounding behind the heavy wood. A little chill skittered down my spine. They had an ominous ring that made me uncomfortable for some reason.

That feeling, however, was washed away the instant the door opened revealing an incredibly handsome man that I felt sure must have modeled for Calvin Klein at some point. I assumed—I hoped— that this was Sebastian Aiello.

Dressed in fitted charcoal pants and a pewter silk shirt, he looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. At well over six feet, he was tall with broad shoulders and slim hips. His skin was like bronze, his hair like spun gold.

He smiled, a wide spread of his perfect lips that nearly stole my breath.

“You must be Ridley.”

His voice was like honey and it made my brain feel like mush. He didn’t inspire the trance-like fascination that Lars did, so I wasn’t alarmed. He was just so impeccably, beautifully crafted, I was almost in awe.

I nodded.

“I’m Sebastian,” he said. “Please, come in.”

He stepped back, sweeping his hand in front of him. I obliged by sliding past him into the grand foyer.

Soft light from a massive crystal chandelier shone in the rich wood paneling and glinted off the polished stone floors. I felt like I’d stumbled into an episode of Cribs.


“I really appreciate you doing this for us. I know babysitting probably isn’t the ideal way to make a buck, but I wanted someone a little older to watch Lilly.”

I smiled politely and nodded, feeling more dumbstruck as the minutes ticked by.

“Come on. I’ll introduce you.”

Sebastian turned and guided me down a long, wide hallway. I busied myself with looking at the amazing art that lined its length so that I wouldn’t get caught gawking at Sebastian’s butt. I couldn’t help but notice that he filled out his pants to perfection and that wasn’t a thought that I felt comfortable having.

The inside of the house was as stunning as the outside. I had to concentrate on keeping my mouth shut, as it wanted to fall open in wonder several times.

All the materials I could see were either smooth, gleaming woods or rough, cool stone. From the floors to the ceilings, everything was decorated to complement the castle-like feel of the house. There was even a suit of armor standing guard outside the entrance to what appeared to be his study. I’d never seen a suit of armor before and it gave me the comical feeling of being on an adventure with Scooby Doo.

After we’d passed several doors, the corridor widened and split into two large rooms. To my right was the kitchen and behind it was a huge dining room. To my left was an informal den, outfitted with three puffy leather couches and a fireplace so big that I could stand inside it.

Kneeling on the thick Oriental rug that lay between the sofas was a little girl.

She looked to be about three or four years old and she was bent over a nearly life-size doll that was rolled over onto its belly. The doll’s yellow dress was hiked up over its head and the little girl was struggling to change its diaper. There was a wet spot on the white material, and I could only assume that it was one of those dolls that you put water in so that when you squeezed it, the doll would pee.

Sebastian walked to the child and squatted down in front of her.

“Lilly, she’s here.”

The little girl’s head popped up and her face lit up like she’d just found a long lost friend.

Though she looked nothing like her father, she was just as stunning. Her auburn hair hung in long thick waves around her tiny face and her silvery eyes shone with pleasure. When I saw their pale color, I thought maybe that’s what she got from her father (other than pure gorgeousness): grayish eyes. It seemed that hers were just a bit more blue.

“You’re Ridley?”

I couldn’t help but smile at the bell of excitement that rang in her tiny voice.

“I am.”

She got to her feet and practically ran to me, taking my hand in her smaller one. “Come and see my room.”

“Lilly, I need to talk to Ridley for a minute before you drag her off, ok?”

Lilly sighed. “Ok,” she said, turning back to the doll she’d left half dressed.

Sebastian shook his head in that tolerant way that parents do and turned his attention back to me.

“She’s already eaten and had her bath. Bedtime is 9:00, no matter what she tries to tell you. She likes a story, but she’ll try to talk you into telling her a dozen, so don’t be fooled. She gets one.” He smiled, obviously amused by his daughter’s ploys. If possible, I thought that made him even more attractive. “She doesn’t usually watch much television, probably because her room is full of toys. Do you have any questions for me?”

I tried to think back to babysitting etiquette. It had been so long since I’d actually done it, I felt rusty.

“Does she have any allergies or medical conditions that I should know about?”

Sebastian’s tawny brows rose.

“No, but those are good questions.”

For some reason, his compliment made me feel sparkly and wonderful. I couldn’t help the smile of pleasure I felt tugging at my lips.

“What about a number in case of emergencies?”

“My cell’s under the magnet on the fridge.”

I nodded.

“I shouldn’t be too late. I know you have school tomorrow, so—”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m a night owl.”

“Me, too,” Sebastian said, grinning. “Alright, well, I’ll get going. Make yourself at home. There’s food and drinks in the fridge. Just made some fresh tea.

Help yourself. There are DVDs behind that shelf,” he explained, pointing to the built-ins that framed the gigantic fireplace. Then, as if deciding that was insufficient, he walked toward them. “Here, let me show you.”

I followed Sebastian to the left of the fireplace.

“It’s hinged,” he said, pulling on a discreet handle that lay at the edge of the shelf. It opened, revealing what probably numbered in the hundreds of DVDs.

“That’s cool,” I said under my breath, duly impressed.

“If you—”

“Daddy, just go,” Lilly said from her place on the carpet.

Sebastian chuckled. “Someone’s anxious to have you all to herself.”

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