“Maybe that’s why you’re cranky all the fucking time. Too busy saving pussy than getting your own.”

“Don’t fucking start you two.” Nix reaches for his phone when it vibrates in front of him. “Jesus fuck,” Nix says, slams his phone down and angles his head toward the door. “Fuck, Jesse, your woman just turned up.”

“What the fuck?” I spin in my seat to see Bell take a seat in the back booth and trying to hide behind a menu. I don’t have a minute to register how I feel about her being called my woman. I’m too caught up in knowing she just walked into something huge.

“Fucking hell,” I stand immediately and stalk over to her table. “What the fuck are you doing here, Bell?” I take her hand and pull her out of the booth. How the fuck did she know we were here?

“Jesse?” She looks up, shock and curiosity fills her eyes. “What are you doing here?” she answers back, looking from me to the booth where we were meant to be meeting T.

“Don’t fucking act dumb, Bell. This shit is fucking serious.” I follow her gaze and see my prez walk toward us.

“You gonna sort this shit out, Jesse, or do I need to fuckin’ intervene?” he grunts and I know he’s pissed but I’ve got this shit under control.

“Hunter,”—I turn to where he took a seat in the back—“take Bell back to the clubhouse, now.”

“I can’t leave now—” Bell starts but there is no way in hell I’m letting her stay here.

“Clubhouse now,” I cut her off, not in the mood to argue with her. I’ve already told her we have this shit covered.

“I’m not some child you can boss around, Jesse. Last time I checked, I’m an adult.” She pulls out of my grasp and goes to sit back down.


“Well start fucking acting like one,” I snap back and watch her body stiffen. “You fucking followed us here, Bell. I told you these men are not men you want to fuck with. I told you to let us sort it out. I don't have time to be worrying about your safety. Go with Hunter we’ll discuss this later.” I turn away from her and lift my chin to Hunter, letting him know he can take her.

“I’ve got my car here. I can drive.”

“Go with Hunter. We’ll sort your car out later,” I counter, but her head keeps shaking in defiance.

“I’m more than capable of taking my own car, Jesse.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. Don’t fucking argue with me, damn it.” Pressure builds in the side of my forehead. Jesus, this must be how Nix and Sy feel all the time. Fuck, I'm an ass for giving them shit.

Bell steps back at my outburst, but I can’t give two fucks if she is pissed at me or if the diner is watching this play out. I can’t even think what could have happened to her if we didn't turn up before the Warriors.

“Come on, Bell, I’ll take you back to the clubhouse.” Hunter steps in and takes her hand. I let out a sigh when she yields, and watch as he walks her to the door.

“Straight to the clubhouse, Hunter,” I order and get a short nod. He knows not to fuck up. I don't look at Bell again, too pissed to even get into it right now. I’ll deal with her later, when this shit with the Warriors is sorted.

Bell has no idea what type of man we are dealing with here, and she just fucking walked straight into his path. Fuck me.

“Looks like your woman is turning out to be more a pain in the ass than Nix and Sy’s combined,” Beau remarks as we walk back to the table.

“Shut the fuck up.” I flip him off, not in the mood for his shit.

“What? Not so fucking funny now, cocksucker?” He laughs like he’s the funniest fuck on the planet. I have to give it to him, getting his licks in while I'm pissed is ballsy, even if he is right.

“Both of you shut the fuck up. We deal with this asshole first, then we can deal with your woman, Jesse,” Nix speaks up reminding us why we’re here.

“Yeah, Beau, head in the fuckin’ game, brother.” I cover up my unease with a glossy grin and salute him with my middle finger one more time then put my game face on ready to find out the answers we need.

My interaction with Bell has put me on edge. I’m fucking about to let this frustration out on one of my brothers.

It might not be healthy, but better to let it out on these assholes than her.

“I’m not prepared to talk about club business with you, Nix,” T, the Warriors’ Prez lays it out straight fifteen minutes later. I knew he fucking wouldn’t play ball, but I’m not giving up yet.

“I respect that, T, but you have to understand my issue here. This woman belongs to one of ours. If you have a hand in this shit, we’re gonna have issues,” Nix replies, still cool, calm and collected. Unlike me. I’m ready to fucking reach across the damn table and rip his throat out.

T is a large bastard, don’t get me wrong. And fucking ugly. His shaved head shows off his tattooed skull, giving him a menacing look. A scar, which Nix’s dad gave him, runs from his jaw to his temple− proof of the war our clubs once had. But that doesn’t deter me. I’d fucking take him. I’ve taken larger men on before.

“If what you’re saying is true, Nix, that was back when we ran girls. You expect me to remember each whore we transported?” T flicks his hand out dismissing the photo we brought with us tonight. A photo of Paige.

“She was a fucking teenager, asshole, not a fucking whore!” I can no longer hold my tongue. I’m fucking ready to blow. Nix’s hand comes to my arm trying to calm me down. I clench my fingers, attempting to release the frustration this fucker is giving me.

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