“He’s a rock star. Are you saying I should stalk him?”

She shrugged. “Rock stars are just people too. I don’t think standing outside his hotel in the rain would be a lot of fun, though.”

“No. Probably not.” I could just see myself doing it, however, sad but true. The idea wasn’t entirely stupid. Maybe it would work. He’d definitely been interested. At least, I’m pretty sure he had been, what with the staring and vague smiling.…

Yeah, okay, I needed to find out. “Which hotel, just out of curiosity?”

A certain twinkle came into Ev’s eyes.

“Yo,” a voice hollered. It took about a year, but with movements painfully slow and deliberate, Lauren eventually got to her feet. “Let me grab you another drink there, kiddo.”

“I’m fi—” My glass was torn from my hand and the night’s self-appointed bartender stumbled off toward the kitchen.

“I better help her out with that or you’ll be served straight vodka.” Ev sat forward, withdrawing her cell phone from her back jeans pocket. Her fingers moved over the screen, then she tossed it onto the seat at her side, giving me a meaningful look. “I’ll just leave that there. I’m sure I can trust you not to look up any bass player’s number while I’m in the kitchen, right?”

“Absolutely. I have no intention of searching N for Nicholson in your contacts index.”

“Try B for Ben instead.” She winked at me.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.


“No problem. I’ve seen that wide-eyed crazytown blown-away-by-a-rock-star look before.” She climbed to her feet. “On my own face as it so happens. Use that number wisely.”

“Oh, trust me. I will.”


Lizzy: Hi, it’s Lizzy. Anne’s sister. We met at band practice the other day, remember?

Ben: Hey. I remember. How u doing?

Lizzy: Good. U?

Ben: Good. How’d u get my number?

Lizzy: Mutual acquaintance.

Ben: Ur sister & Mal don’t want us being friends.

Lizzy: U’ve friend zoned me already? Ouch. I haven’t even made a clumsy inappropriate pass at u yet.

Ben: Ha. U know what I mean. Didn’t realize u were only 20 or connected to Mal. Us talking isn’t a good idea.

Lizzy: Lucky we’re only texting then.

Ben: Bye Liz

Ben: Did u just send me a pic of ur lunch?

Lizzy: No. It’s an artistic representation rendered in fries and ketchup of my immense sadness over u ignoring my texts. See the face in the middle?

Ben: What’s the green stuff?

Lizzy: Those are pickle tears. Stole them off a friend’s burger.

Ben: Cute.

Lizzy: Are u moved?

Ben: Absolutely.

Lizzy: Are u going to talk to me now?

Lizzy: Haha. You’re having pizza for lunch?

Ben: Does it look sad or happy?

Lizzy: It looks lewd. How dare you send such explicit pepperoni. I’m not that kind of girl.

Ben: Ha. Got to work. Later, sweetheart.

Ben: Got no one to jam with & your town’s music scene is crap on Mondays.

Lizzy: Never. Try The Pigeon. A friend goes to their open sessions.

Ben: I’m there. :)

Lizzy: How’d you go last night?

Ben: Good. Thanks for the info. Not Nashville but not bad. Might head up to Seattle for a few days. Friend’s playing up there. Anyway, TY

Lizzy: You’re welcome. Busy day?

Ben: Mal’s walked in. Can’t talk.

Lizzy: Ok. Later.

Ben: Feel shit going behind his back.

Lizzy: Let’s talk later.

Lizzy: Hi! How’d ur day go?

Ben: Busy right now.

Lizzy: Ok

Lizzy: I’m going to assume by radio silence that you’re not comfortable with us being text buddies. Didn’t mean to put u in a bad position with Mal. I’ll delete ur number.

Ben: Don’t.

Lizzy: ?

Ben: I want to know if u need something u can call me.

Lizzy: Thanks. But I don’t want to complicate things for u.

Ben: Problem is I like talking to u. Maybe if we keep it on the down low?

Lizzy: Ok. I’d like that.

Ben: Me too.

Ben: Attached pic is sunset out at Red Rock.

Lizzy: Amazing. What are you doing out there?

Ben: Filling in on keyboard for a friend. His guy broke hand.

Lizzy: Crap. Didn’t know you played piano.

Ben: Grandma taught me. But Dave wanted bass so I learned.

Lizzy: Wow. Play for me sometime?

Ben: How about now?

Lizzy: Over the phone? That would be awesome.

Ben: Calling.

Ben: In the studio in LA for a few. How u going?

Lizzy: Studying for a test. Wish me luck.

Ben: You got this, sweetheart. Won’t distract u. Later.

Lizzy: :) Later

Lizzy: Roses are red, violets are blue, I like u Ben, do u like me to?

Ben: Ur a terrible poet.

Lizzy: True. I think I might stick w psychology. How’s ur day going?

Ben: Slow. Had a business meeting. Boring as shit.

Lizzy: U just want to play music?

Ben: Got me on that. How u doing?

Lizzy: Had an awesome prac. Off to work at book store next. Then got an assignment due.

Ben: Work all u do?

Lizzy: Pretty much. But I enjoy it. Texting u just made my day, tho.

Ben: Fuck ur sweet. Tell me something bad about u. Make it easier for me to stay away.

Lizzy: I see no benefit to me in doing this …

Ben: Go on. I’m waiting.

Lizzy: I suck at sports and I’m messy.

Ben: Can’t imagine you messy.

Lizzy: My apartment looks like a war zone. Anne always tidied. Gave me bad habits. What about u?

Ben: I flirt with girl’s I’m not supposed to. Otherwise I’m perfect.

Lizzy: All that fame and fortune and not an ego in sight.

Ben: Exactly.

Lizzy: :)

Ben: Gotta go, Jim’s waiting. Later sweetheart.

Lizzy: Later Ben

Ben: WTF is that pic?

Lizzy: U tell me.

Ben: A mash up of a lion, a beer, & a girl’s eyes (yours?)

Lizzy: Right on all counts!

Ben: What’s it mean?

Lizzy: I am using my psych studies to mess with your mind. Studies show association with fear encourages romantic thoughts.

Ben: Sly. U uncovered my fear of beer?

Lizzy: Haha. The fear is the lion.

Ben: Ok. So what’s the beer?

Lizzy: You know the phenomenon of beer-goggles?

Ben: Chicks look hot when you’re drunk?

Lizzy: Right. But turns out the beer-goggler doesn’t need to be drunk. Just an association with beer will do. Even a picture.

Ben: Me looking at a pic of beer will make u seem hotter?

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