Leaning forward, he kissed the tip of her nose. "I have thought of this moment since the first night I saw you, but I did not expect you to be untouched. To my surprise, I find that I do not want to take my bride's virginity before we are wed."

"So you're turning me down?"

"Only for an hour or so." Taking her by the hand, he pulled her into a sitting position. "Get dressed," he said with a grin, "and let us get married."

Regan shook her head as reality set in. "No one will marry us." It was against the law for vampires and humans to marry. The law defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman. That didn't include the Undead.

"Let me worry about the details," Santiago said.

"I need a dress," Regan said. "Shoes. And what about my parents…" She frowned. Inviting her parents might not be such a good idea. Her mother would want to know every tiny detail of how Regan and Santiago met, and every tiny detail of his life before that. "Well, I definitely need a dress."

"Tomorrow evening then?" Santiago asked. "I will pick you up at seven."

She didn't want to wait, but she had never been married before and if she couldn't have a big ceremony with her family in attendance, she at least wanted to wear a beautiful white wedding gown. After all, she deserved it!

Laughing, Regan threw herself into Santiago's arms.

"What is so funny?" he asked, his brows drawing together in a frown.

"Nothing," she said, "I'm just so happy." Happier than she had ever been before, and that alone told her that she had made the right decision.


Santiago groaned softly. "I cannot guarantee you will be a virgin tomorrow night if you do not get up and get dressed."

"Find me tempting, do you?" she asked with a saucy grin.

"More than you can imagine."

She ran her finger down his chest. "I find you very tempting, too, you know."

"Regan." His voice was low and husky. "I am warning you."

"Oh, all right." Wrapping the sheet around her, she got off the bed. "I've waited this long. I guess I can wait one more night, but it won't be easy."

He grunted softly. His whole body, his every sense, was attuned to Regan. He smelled her desire, her excitement, her trepidation.

"Turn around," she said.

He lifted one brow. "A little late for modesty, is it not?"

"Never mind," she said primly. "Just turn around."

With a shake of his head, he put his back to her.

He didn't have to see her to know what she was doing. He heard the rustle of the sheet, the whisper of soft cotton as she drew on her underwear, the heavier sound of her clothing sliding over her skin.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" she asked over her shoulder.

"Of course." With a complete and utter lack of modesty, he rose and reached for his briefs. "You may watch, if you wish."

Heat flooded her neck and washed into her cheeks, but she didn't turn around. Clad in nothing but a pair of snug black silk briefs, Joaquin Santiago, vampire, was the most exotic, gorgeous creature she had ever seen.

And tomorrow night, all that mouthwatering masculinity would be all hers.

Chapter 32

As might be expected, Regan slept late the following morning. Rising, she took a long hot shower and then, dressed in a pair of black slacks and a short-sleeved pink sweater and matching sandals, she ate a quick breakfast of toast, orange juice, and coffee, and headed for the nearest mall where she spent the rest of the morning and the early part of the afternoon trying on wedding dresses, veils, and shoes, and buying sexy lingerie and a black nightie that was so sheer, it was nearly invisible. And always, in the back of her mind, a happy little voice reminded her that she would be Santiago's wife before the night was over.

Mrs. Joaquin Santiago. Nothing in her life had ever sounded so good or felt so right. Never before had she been so sure that she was doing the right thing, and that everything would work out for the best. Deciding she might as well grab something to eat before she went home, she stopped at her favorite Italian restaurant for a late lunch.

She had just been seated when Mike came in.

He saw her, hesitated, and then made his way to her table.

"Hey, Reggie," he said, his eyes lighting with pleasure at seeing her.

"Hi, Mike."

He glanced around. "Are you here alone?"

She nodded. "Yes, you?"

"Yeah. Mind if I join you?"

"No, of course not. Are you working?"

"Yeah, but things are mighty slow. The most excitement I've had this afternoon was a false alarm over on Fifth and Tigrina."

The waitress arrived then to take their order. Regan ordered a turkey sandwich, then searched her mind for a safe topic of conversation while Mike spoke with the waitress. She knew she should tell Mike she was getting married, but somehow she didn't think that would lend itself to congenial small talk.

She smiled at Mike when the waitress moved away from the table. "So…"

Mike cleared his throat. "I'm leaving the city. Tomorrow's my last day."

Regan stared at him. "What? Why? You didn't quit?"

"No, I asked to be transferred to another division."

"But why? Is it because they promoted Holloway in front of you?"


She felt a rush of guilt because she knew with sudden certainty that he was leaving because of her. "Mike…"

He held up a hand, staying her words. "Don't say anything, Reggie. I'm not blaming you. Anyway," he said with forced enthusiasm, "I'm glad I ran into you. If there's ever anything I can do… if you ever need anything…" He pulled a business card out of his pocket and handed it to her. "This is where I'll be."

Taking the card, she tucked it into her pocket. "Thanks, Mike."

They made desultory conversation during lunch, careful to keep things light between them.

When the meal was over, he walked her to her car. "Keep in touch, Reggie."

"You, too." Opening the door, she slid behind the wheel and punched in the ignition code. Nothing happened. She hit it again, thinking she might have entered it wrong. Nothing.

She slammed her hand against the steering wheel. She didn't have time for this. She was getting married in less than four hours.

"Looks like it needs charging," Mike suggested.

"I guess so. Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure, come on."

"Wait, I've got some packages in the trunk." Thankfully, her wedding dress had been packed in a box, then placed in a large sack. She was careful to keep the name of the store hidden against her leg as she carried the package across the street to where Mike stood beside his car.

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