Either she would destroy Vasile or he would destroy her. Regan laughed humorlessly. Either way, she would be free of the werewolf's curse once and for all.

Chapter 22

Regan was curled up on the sofa that evening, reading a murder mystery, when Santiago suddenly appeared in the room.

"I hate it when you do that!" she exclaimed, one hand pressed to her heart. "Where have you been? I mean, where did you spend the day?"

"Under your bed."

His words sent a little shiver down her spine. He had been sleeping right below her. "Why didn't you want me to see you?"

"I was not hiding from you."

"Who then?" she asked, frowning. "No one else lives here."

He shrugged. "I have not survived this long by being careless."

She couldn't argue with that. She didn't want to argue with him at all. She just wanted to know exactly what had happened the night before.

"One minute we were making out," she remarked, "and then everything went blank." She lifted a hand to her neck, her fingertips probing the skin, but the marks were gone. "You drank from me, didn't you?" She heard the accusation in her voice. "That's why I felt so dizzy this morning."


He nodded, his expression unreadable. "I did not mean to take so much. I have no excuse except that…" He stopped, knowing that she would not want to hear what he had to say.

"Go on," she urged.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"No, but tell me anyway."

He sat on the other end of the sofa. "I told you before, not all blood tastes the same. And yours is irresistible. I meant to take only a sip, but…" He shrugged. "It was like nothing I had ever tasted before. I knew if I took it all, I would never have to feed again."

"I don't believe you. Blood is blood."

"Perhaps. Or perhaps yours tastes so sweet because you mean so much to me."

"Joaquin…" She didn't want him to love her, didn't want to love him. But it was too late.

He smiled at her. It was a sad smile, as if he knew what she was thinking. And maybe he did.

She was trying to think of something to say when the doorbell rang. Muttering, "Who can that be?" she went to answer the door.

It was Michael.

"Hey, Reggie," he said cheerfully.

"Mike! I thought you were at the hospital with your sister."

"Yeah, well, as it turns out, Rob wasn't as badly hurt as they thought. He's going to be all right, although he's pretty banged up." He laughed softly. "Jean took one look at him and went into labor. She had the baby two hours ago. Prettiest little girl you've ever seen. The whole family's at the hospital, resting well." He smiled. "I know I'm a little late, but if you haven't eaten, we can still go out."

"What? Oh, well, about that, I wasn't expecting you, and…" Her voice trailed off when she realized Mike wasn't listening. He was looking over her shoulder. She didn't have to turn around to know what, or who, he was looking at.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Mike asked through clenched teeth.

"The same as you," Regan said, her temper flaring at the tone of his voice. "He came to, ah, visit."

"I see."

Regan felt her cheeks grow hot. She was afraid Mike saw things all too well.

"It didn't take you long to find another date, did it?" he said, his expression bleak.


"I don't know what you see in him, Regan. Have you forgotten he's a vampire?" Mike asked, and then frowned. "How the hell did he get out of the park?"

Regan licked lips gone suddenly dry. "I…" She shrugged. "How should I know?"

"This is serious, Reggie," Mike said. "I'm going to have to report it to the department."

"I wish you wouldn't."

Mike shook his head. "I don't know you anymore." He glanced at Santiago, then looked at Regan again, his expression morose. "I just hope you know what you're doing, Reggie. Good night."

Helpless to explain, she watched him walk away. After closing the door, she turned to face Santiago. "Is he going to make trouble for you?"

Santiago snorted, as if the mere idea was ludicrous.

Drawing her into his arms, he kissed her cheek. "I must go."


"You grow more tempting each time I see you. I do not think it wise for me to be near you when I have not fed."


"I am only thinking of what is best for you."

She knew he was right but she couldn't help feeling as though he were abandoning her even as she told herself it was silly to feel that way. "I thought you could go a long time without… you know."

"Usually I can, but after last night, I find myself wanting to taste you again. And even if you were willing, I am afraid a taste would not be enough, so I think I should go."

Forcing a smile, she said, "If I don't see you before the next full moon…"

"I will see you before then," he said, rising. "I doubt I could stay away that long. Good night, Regan," he said quietly, and vanished from her sight.

She stared at the place where he had stood, feeling suddenly bereft. Since the night she had met him in the park, he had become a constant in her life, so much so that she could scarcely imagine her life without him.

At loose ends, she flipped on the Satellite Screen, surfing through the online guide. A thousand channels to choose from and she couldn't find a single thing she wanted to watch. Switching to one of the music channels, she turned the volume down low, then picked up the book she had been reading before Joaquin arrived. It had been written by one of her favorite authors, but tonight she couldn't concentrate, couldn't think of anything but Joaquin Santiago with his long black hair, deep sexy voice, and eyes that were both mysterious and mesmerizing.

Santiago, the vampire. The master of the city. He was the most fascinating, interesting creature she had ever known.

Chapter 23

Vasile stood in the moonlight, surrounded by all the members of the pack as he waited for his bride to join him. He wore a white shirt, open at the throat, and white slacks. His feet were bare.

There was a ripple in the night air as Zina appeared. She wore a long black dress and carried a bouquet of blood-red roses. Her feet, too, were bare.

She stopped at his side, her head high and proud. After this night, she would be the pack's alpha female.

Vasile turned in a slow circle, his gaze resting on the face of each one present. "I have called you here this night to witness my joining with Zina. From this night forward, she will be my mate. I will protect her and defend her with my life. Any one who dares to harm her, harms me, and will be dealt with accordingly. I now demand your allegiance and fealty to my mate. How say you all?"

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