“You are under my protection.”

Her hand swept the area as far as the eye could see. “Where do you think I am going to go?” Laughing angry. “In front of us is the beach and ocean.” She pointed out. “To my left and right are rocks.”

He breathed deeply. Is this what Joseph has to go through on a constant basis? “Fine, but make it quick.” He gave in reluctantly.

“Yes, Sir.” Saluting, she flashed one of her killer smiles.

Removing her sandals, she followed the rugged path until she reached the wooden stairs leading down to the beach. Descending quickly, she reached the bottom. Stepped onto the sand and wiggled her toes in the grainy texture. I am home, she sighed happy.

Voices penetrated her thoughts. Alex looked to her right. A woman and a five-year-old girl sat on beach towels. Only two. What a relief. Would hate to share it with too many people.

“Jenny, sit still.” The woman demanded while applying suntan lotion to every exposed part of the little girl’s body.

“Mommy, hurry.” Her impatience grew. “Just now the weather turns bad.”

“You sure didn’t get your patience from me,” she said with a smile and let her go.

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