Phew! He breathed an internal sigh. “At once.” With a slow steady hand, he pried Roan’s grip loose, pulling the frightened young man out. Taking great care to stay between them. “Go!” His single command resonated through the stone room.

The air stirred in the room as vampires scurried for any available exit. Like ghosts, they vanished into the night. Leaving their leader and his second in command behind with their thoughts.

“Do you think I was too harsh?”

“You have to keep it together,” Joseph pleaded, “We can’t succeed if they are divided.”

With a heavy sigh, Roan rubbed his weary face, lifted his head and walked back to stare out the window once more. Mere seconds passed before he could voice his thoughts.

“Many of us will die tonight in the name of freedom.” His shoulders drooped. Wavy shoulder length pitch-black hair covered his miserable expression as his head bowed in shame.

Compassion for his friend filled Joseph’s whole being as he stared at him. Surely, there must be another way? He couldn’t resist asking himself. No answer came. He shook his head, then re-joined his friend. When he stood next to him, he turned so he could face him.

“Please… don’t,” he begged, “I have tried every possible avenue. Arianna assured me there is no alternative,” he answered Joseph’s unspoken question.

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