“Good morning,” Joseph greeted.

“Good morning,” they replied in unison.

“Are you still sulking, my dear?” he asked with a hint of a smile.

“Joseph!” Maria gasped.

He looked at his wife. “Yes, dear?”

“Is that really necessary?”

Alex couldn’t believe her luck. Timing is everything, she thought excited.

“Good to have you with us son.”

A jab of jealousy hit her. In her father’s eyes, Xander was everything. Gnawing her lip, she picked her spoon up. Kept her eyes on the bowl before taking a bite. The newspaper rustled. Looking up; her father was busy reading the Cape Town daily. With a mental grin, she started to read the back.

He sensed eyes on him and he peeked over the top. Thump! He smacked the paper down making everyone jump. “Do you mind, Alexandra?!”


“Joseph, please,” Maria begged, “We have enough to deal with at the moment.”

“She knows how I hate it when she does that,” he said angry.

Alex took her cue. “Don’t raise your voice at mother.”

Both her parents looked surprised at each other. Xander shifted in his chair, clearing his throat, while staring at his food. Joseph directed his attention towards his daughter.

“Are you going to be civil today, Alex?” he asked.

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