Blinking back tears, she thought about the paintings he had painted in the last couple of months. Why won’t you share them with me?

Beep! Beep! Beep! The bath thermometer ripped her to the present. “Shut up!” she shouted. Grabbing the floating device, she tossed it aside before climbing in and slowly lowering herself.

Warm water covered first her calves, then her buttocks, finally washing over her abdomen. Caressing her breasts as she laid back. Steam filled her nose with lavender. Inhaling deeply, she breathed out until her lungs were completely empty.

Tension seeped out of her body and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Trying hard to focus on her plan, she started to chat to herself.

“Now, let me see.” Her excitement grew. “Hmm, the element of surprise.”

First, get myself ready. Second, get my parents out of the house. Her father’s face loomed in front of her as the promise she made haunted her subconscious.

“On second thought, they might pose a problem.”

For a moment, she chewed her lip, but no ideas came. Drumming her fingers on the bath’s edge, she thought about her dilemma.

“I must make sure I stick to normal boring things like breakfast in my pyjamas. That will calm his fears. Third, walk into the lecture hall unexpected. Fourth. Fourth? Heck planning never worked for me,” she admitted.

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