She felt like an idiot for losing her focus. Normally she'd memorize an area and be able to find it again, but this time she'd missed crucial details. She almost smacked herself on the forehead the same way Justin did to himself every so often. The way he did it was adorable.

"Good god, did I really just think that?" she said aloud as she dodged trash cans and cardboard boxes, some with bums sleeping inside, and tested each of the metal doors in the back of the old building. This was no good. She pulled out her phone and called Justin. She'd wanted to surprise him but that little plan was down the tubes. The phone went to voicemail after a couple of rings.

She hit redial and got the same result. Worry gripped her chest. Had something happened? Was he okay? Then again, Shelton's hideout was underground. Maybe the signal down there was bad. She had only a couple of bars of reception herself, again, thanks to the tall buildings. The logic still didn't allay her fears so she picked up the pace, jogging and jerking hard on each door. Some opened but revealed completely different interiors than the one she remembered, namely the nasty mattress in the corner.

One of the doors opened in the alleyway across the road from the one she was in. Shelton stepped out followed by David, Justin's dad, their faces visible beneath a dim street light. Relief numbed the worry and she took a deep breath. They closed the door behind them. She wondered if Justin had stayed inside, or if he might already have gone to meet Mr. Smith. The clock on her phone indicated she still had another hour before the store opened but it would make sense to get there early. In any case, it would be a good idea to check in with Shelton and David just to make sure.

Just as she took a breath to call out to them, a shadow detached itself from the mouth of the alley opposite her. She focused her eyes on the figure and realized it was a man dressed in black. A mugger maybe? She wouldn't be surprised. He was in for a shock if he tried to mess with those two. Elyssa tagged along behind, waiting for him to make a move. She slid a silver starlet from her knapsack and pressed her thumb against the power trigger should she need to disable the man quickly.

The starlet looked a great deal like a standard ninja throwing star except for the thick center housing the magic-driven power supply. The tines were thin and needle-like as opposed to razor sharp blades. It was meant to disable, not kill, and the spell on the power supply could be adapted on the fly depending on the target. In this case, a simple electric shock should suffice.

Justin would probably think he'd died and gone to heaven if he knew she had these things. She smiled at the thought and smiled even more when she remembered the Kings and Castles tourney. She'd found herself so caught up in the fun of fighting with foam weapons she'd won the game for his team. Of course, after celebrating the win she'd almost killed him when he slipped up and revealed he was an incubus—demon spawn. The smiled faltered and she felt ashamed. Her parents had trained her to react to danger. To never question her training. If she hadn't known Justin at all before discovering he was a spawn, what would she have done? Would she have killed him? Apprehended him?

He really was a good man. A strong person. But he needed someone with better planning skills to keep him out of trouble and Elyssa was, of course, the proper choice.

The shadowy figure continued to tail Shelton and David for several blocks but never made a move. She was certain by now they were in no danger of anything so mundane as a mugging. But a chilling thought occurred to her. What if the man was following the tracker? What if he was an assassin? She picked up her pace and closed the gap.

The two men reached an Irish pub and stepped inside. Their shadow followed. Elyssa was surprised the place was open so early, but noticed a big sign in the window proclaiming the proper Irish breakfast they served each morning.


She pulled her coat tighter around her, hoping no one would notice the night camo underneath. Even so, they might mistake it for gym attire. She slipped inside and seated herself per the sign up front, just behind several old men at a round table in the center. Elyssa assessed the small, dim interior. She noted Shelton and David sitting at a booth in the far back. The laughing group of elderly men blocked a direct line of sight so she could duck and not be seen if either of her targets turned to look.

A man dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt emerged from the bathroom and approached Shelton's table. Elyssa adjusted her position so she could see the expressions on the faces of the two men. She prepared herself to whip out a starlet and fling it should things go south in a hurry.

"What can I get you to drink, honey?" asked an older female waitress with a southern twang as opposed to an Irish lilt.

Elyssa peeled her attention from her targets for a split second. "Um, a water to start with please? I'm waiting on someone, so I won't order anything else until they get here."

"Sure thing, sweetie." The waitress walked away.

David was talking to the third man, his face a mix of emotions. He didn't look pleased but he didn't look threatened either. Shelton seemed to be slightly concerned but not to the point of danger. Elyssa felt with her senses to see if she could detect anything indicating whether the third man was a man at all or something different. But none of the men at the table gave off vibes suggesting they were anything but normal, and the men at the center table were talking so loud she couldn't filter them out and eavesdrop on the conversation at David and Shelton's table. Just because she couldn't sense anything supernatural about them meant nothing. Nearly every super had a way of masking their presence when they didn't want to be noticed.

A nearby seat creaked. Elyssa jerked from her focus and almost flipped her own chair over backwards with shock. A figure wearing a dark hoodie sat in the chair right next to her. She must really be slipping tonight to let someone sneak up on her.

"I'm sorry, that chair is taken," she said.

"Yes, it is," a sensuous female voice replied.

Elyssa glanced down at the woman's attire—tennis shoes, designer jeans, and the nondescript hoodie. The clothing did not fit her voice. "Who are you?" She tried to see inside the hood, but it was drawn down low and shadow covered the features.

Elegant hands with smooth young skin and an amazing manicure reached for the hood and eased it back. Golden hair the color of summer sunshine spilled out in gentle waves. Rich hazel eyes warmed the gaze of the fair-skinned woman and made Elyssa feel distinctly ugly by comparison. But there was something familiar to this face. To the eyes. The conclusion had her reaching for a sword that wasn't in its usual place.

"I see you know what I am, if not who," the woman said, her voice soothing and smooth as warm honey.

"You're spawn."

"We prefer the term Daemos."

"And a member of House Slade."

"Very good. Bonus points if you know my name." She smiled and cute dimples formed alongside her rosebud lips.

"Yeah, no extra credit for me today," Elyssa said, readying a starlet under the table and wishing she had a sword or even a knife handy. She'd been in such a hurry to get out of the house she hadn't retrieved proper weapons.

"I am Daemas Anae-Vallaena Slade," she said flashing her dimples again. "But everyone just calls me Vallaena." Her accent was complicated, roughly Italian, perhaps, and she rolled her r's. Then again, entities that lived for centuries or more often changed quite a lot from their original state.

Elyssa remembered some bits of the spawn naming convention from school. Daemos for males, Daemas for females, and they considered 'spawn' a derogatory term. Neither Justin nor his dad seemed to mind it, but that was probably because they were no ordinary spawn. "Anae" also had some meaning—something to do with position within a family. Elyssa couldn't remember and it didn't matter.

"You obviously know what I am as well."

"I do indeed, Elyssa, daughter of Thomas, House Borathen."

Elyssa tried to keep surprise from registering on her face or in her eyes. "We don't go by houses."

"Ah, yes, and such a shame to lose sight of one's titles and honors."

"What do you want?"

Vallaena's dimples vanished as a slight frown replaced the smile. "It is such a disappointment humans have lost the ways of good conduct and manners as well." She sighed. "It should be no surprise to me, I suppose, though I try to deal with humans as little as possible."

"Except when you need them for feeding."

"Oh, that requires very little talking, I assure you, and manners of a different kind come into play."

Elyssa didn't want to know. No spawn she knew of had been charged in the death of any humans for feeding, but the Templars weren't omniscient and the spawn were powerful and secretive. God only knew what crimes hid behind this woman's ancient eyes. And they were most definitely ancient eyes.

"Again I ask you, what do you want of me, Daemas Anae-Vallaena of House Slade?"

The other woman's eyes lit with delight and her dimples returned in full force. "Templaras Elyssa, Dhampyras, of House Borathen, I wish to negotiate terms for the surrender of your mate to my protection."

Elyssa's mouth dropped open. "My mate?"

She nodded. "The Castratae known as Justin Case."

"The what?"

"Ah, perhaps you were not taught proper Daemos stratifications."

"You mean your caste system?"

Vallaena shook her head. "They are not castes, simply designations indicating the import of one's title. I am Anae or first order of House Slade. Only the Paetros or Maedras are above me in position, and there are only three other Anae in my house."

"And what's Castratae?" It didn't sound good whatever it was. The thought of eunuchs came to mind thanks to its similarity to "castrate".

"It is unfortunate your mate is considered such, but surely it is his father's fault." She glanced across the room as Shelton and David spoke to the strange man. "It means 'outcast'. It means you have no house and are considered the lowest of the low."