Instead of finding sleep after a long exciting day, energy and images kept Megan awake and alert. As sunlight filtered in the cabin, images of Colby danced on the ceiling. A calm yet eager look radiated over him. His restless energy was now harnessed.

"Was it the dance? As it stimulated my soul, did it help contain his fears about his heritage? How can a dance hold power like that?" A never-ending smile touched Megan's lips as she remembered the dream. "Why didn't I realize it was Colby? Or was I too scared to admit it?"

Instead of joining the kids at breakfast, Megan followed the voices calling her to the empty corral. Dew wet her boots as she wandered around, but not aimlessly. Native voices traveled in the crisp, cool air and settled in her soul. Drums led her to dance, the ball of one foot touching and then the whole foot.

"You're a quick study," a male voice said.

"Hey, Colby." Megan joined him by the fence.

"Why this sudden urge to dance?" he asked.

"The drums won't stop playing and my body is moving at its own accord." She wanted, needed to ask questions, but Colby's views were too similar to Gray Cloud's. She held the answers and when the time was right, her questions would be answered.

Colby yawned.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Megan asked, trying to hide her own yawn. "Yesterday must have worn you out."

"Not really…" He chuckled. "No, I haven't danced like that in years, but it revived me, helped me see which direction my life is heading. Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked, gently nudging her with his broad shoulder.


She shook her head. "Voices and drums call to me. It still astounds me that I knew about your dance. I understood the singers, though I don't speak your native language."

"Did you ever think we have a deeper connection than most?" Colby said. "The only explanation as to your vision is that we have a soul connection."

Shaking her head, Megan moved away from him. "I'm not Gray Cloud, and I have no Indian heritage. It would be impossible for me to have visions."

His warm laugh filled the space between them. "That's right. You believe in tangibles." Colby jumped over the fence and joined Megan. "You're confused by the symbols, right?"

The images of her dream converged and melded into one. Around here simple is complex. If I speak the words, does it make them true? Colby and Faith both believe in soul mates. I used to believe I was a realist, but this summer leads me to believe otherwise. Do I take the plunge? In one step, Colby pulled her into his arms. "We are meant to be together," he said, an enchanting smile warming her.

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