The large drum echoed its heartbeat throughout the ever-growing crowd as the drummers sang in their native tongue. Though Megan did not speak their language, she understood the message. It welcomed everyone to this joyous and sacred event, allowing them to share in their love and respect for Mother Earth and each other.

The energetic and active music prepared the dancers for the afternoon. Pride and joy exuded off them, showing in their colorful regalia. Though separated by dances and men and women entering separately, camaraderie joined them. They had one purpose-to dance.

"Ladies and Gentleman, there's our Grand Entry. Here's the Eagle Staff carried by Gray Cloud from Wyoming, followed by our elders, and head dancers." With the Eagle Staff tied to the pole in the center of the arbor, sitting to the right of the American flag, Megan took a deep breath.

Energy and excitement brewed all around her, leaving her breathless and wondering how much more she could handle. What answers did the dancers hold? Was the magic in the drum? Or was it the circle?

Faint drumbeats started and the singing called for the men and women to dance the women's traditional and the men's buckskin dances. White suits and dresses adorned with beads filled the circle. Women danced with shawls and eagle feathers, their feet barely leaving the ground. Dignity and respect showed in their graceful movements, as the fringe on the bottom of their dresses swayed. As they moved clockwise around the circle, Megan watched the orchestration of the dance. Though separate, each dancer moved together in one rhythm, as if rehearsed.

When Gray Cloud passed, a transcendental look in his eyes, Megan found herself drawn into a new world. His movements surpassed reality, as he became one with the music and danced like the wind carried him.

"What is it like to let the music overtake you? Is it possible for me, the girl who has her life planned?" As Megan wrangled with her thoughts, another group entered the circle. The men, wearing feather bustles and porcupine hair roaches, crouched and rose while imitating the mating dance of the prairie chickens. She heard the kids laughing and wanted to look at their expressions, but to look away from the circle meant possibly missing her vision. Plus the music drew her in, as if it summoned someone or something. The music called to her and it held a message, but she wondered how to interpret it when she did not speak Native tongue.

A new song started with faint drumbeats. When the drums quickened and got louder, Megan's heart raced. Accented beats sent her spiraling into an abyss, joining the dancers around a fire. Sweat poured over her as she kept time with the ever-increasing drumbeats, until she fell in exhaustion.

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