The others stopped too, most mumbling and grumbling. The mid-afternoon sun beat down on them while sweat soaked their shirts and left them thirsty. Megan wiped the sweat off her forehead with the sleeve of her shirt. She quickly hollered for them to lead their horses into the stables. While they unsaddled the horses, harsh words flew around like a swarm of bees. The kids staggered like animals ready to drop.

"Ready for a swim?" Megan said.

Four simple words changed the dismal looks to happy faces. Minutes later they headed to Willow Lake. White pines and Douglas fir aligned Trail A and shielded them from the sweltering sun that tried to push its way through the tall trees. Animated talk passed between the kids.

The lake lie ahead, mountains mirrored in the pristine blue water. Mike screamed, "Woo-hoo," and plunged in. The others followed him and soon laughter echoed amidst the looming, indestructible mountains surrounding the lake.

Megan shaded herself under the trees that bordered the shore. Sun danced off the rippling water and called for her to jump in and swim. Tempting as it may be, she chose to supervise. "It's a tough job, but someone has to do it." Laughter came from behind and she turned around, but no one was there. "That's strange. I know I heard someone laugh." A look towards the water showed the kids laughing and splashing each other. With a shrug she decided it was them she heard. Her heart filled her mind with doubt. Surely Clay had not followed them. "No," she said, shaking her head. "He would make himself known to further pester and provoke me."

As she listened to the kids playing, Megan leaned back on her elbows and stretched out her long legs. Though Clay's return dampened her mood, this she found relaxing. Suddenly, a low rustle made her jump. Goose bumps covered her arms. She refused to look behind her, knowing it was that man or spirit who kept appearing and disappearing. "Kids, time to head back for supper," she yelled, trying to keep the panic below radar level. Right now she wanted no questions, because she had no answers. The towel shook as she tried to fold it. Instead she rolled it into a ball. By then the kids were racing to the ranch as if running the 100-yard dash. Megan followed close behind. Though there was something intriguing about the mystery man, she was in no mood to deal with him right now. Not only that, but how would she explain to Brett why the kids arrived without her? "Loco is what he would call me and I'd have to agree." Megan shuddered at the idea and then laughed.

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