"Now I'm really confused," Megan said.

"Ever since I can remember, my free time was spent at the Circle M. Brett's grandfather taught me much about nature and wildlife, which is why I majored in forestry.

"I remember Brett's first summer here. He was 8 or 9 and his days were filled with playing cowboy. During my sixteenth summer I noticed him. One look and I fell in love. There was no competing with Rachel. I was shy, wore my hair in a ponytail, and knew nothing about make-up or clothes. Why would Brett show interest?" Faith exhaled.

"When I heard Brett had inherited the ranch, I refused to come home. No one ever mentioned a girlfriend or wife, but I figured they were sheltering me. Last October, I ventured home and Brett and I talked as if no time had passed. My feelings resurfaced and here we are." Faith took a deep breath. "Something brought us together." A smile pushed through the tears and pain.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any pain this summer." Faith looked around, her fingers making designs in the dirt. "Can we be friends?"

"Yes," Megan said, smiling. That was one answer she did not need to contemplate. Though she wanted to say many things, the words remained stuck. After clearing her throat, Megan said, "We best get back to the ranch before Brett sends out the National Guard."

Faith moved her hand to stop Megan. "Does the engagement bother you?" she asked. "Or is it something completely unrelated?"

How do they know my thoughts?Raindrops fell from the sky. "Ready to go?" Megan said, jumping to her feet.

"Answer my question."

What is it with people and rain around here? "There's nothing to say," Megan said, taking a few steps away from Faith.


"Is it Colby?"

Megan stopped and her head drooped. "That's over. Clay ruined it."

"Clay?" Faith said standing and grasping onto Megan's arm. "How does he fit into the equation?"

"You know how a negative and a positive leave a negative? That's how. He kissed me. Colby saw. End of story." Megan's arms crossed in front of her chest without thought or effort. Her body was trying to protect her from more heartbreak.

"Did you want Clay to kiss you?" "No," she said, her voice trembling, but she pushed back the tears.

"Did you explain that to Colby?"

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