Thoughts about life and love further confused Megan. She watched the horses, envious of their natural ability to not complicate relationships. "In the wild, they fight until the strongest wins and takes what he wants. Tame horses are bred. There is no choice." A gentle sigh escaped her body. "I wish Colby would make the first move, but what if he's waiting for me? How long do we play the game?"

Thunder echoed in the distance. Dark clouds rolled in growing bigger and thicker the closer to the ranch they got. "Best get my chores done so we can move the horses inside." While putting the letter back in the envelope, Megan did not watch where she was going. Bump! "Hi," she mumbled, looking at Colby.

"Important letter?" he asked.


"Is everything all right at home?"

"Yes. My friend Jefferson told me about Amanda, his girlfriend."

"Oh," Colby said, smiling. A magnetism in his eyes kept Megan looking.

He's happy I don't have a boyfriend. Does he want to be mine? Thunder loomed closer and lightning bolts cut through the sky and touched the ground. "Wow," Megan said. Out here in the open, it seemed more powerful, more vengeful, and more beautiful. Watching Colby's eyes glaze over caused her body to tremble. "What is it?" she stammered.

"It's been dry. Didn't you notice how shallow the River of Hope is?"

"Guess I didn't give it much thought. Are you worried about fire?"


"Storms like this can spark fires. We need to keep an eye on everything. Let's gather the kids. Everyone stays at the ranch." The serious tone and his cool demeanor meant business. This was one time when Megan would not fight to try something different. She had never experienced fire and did not plan on starting today, if nature allowed her that luxury.

As they watched the hillsides, waiting and anticipating, Christa shouted "Fire."

"Where?" Megan asked, her heart pounding wildly. "Oh, please. Not here. Keep the ranch safe."

"Over there," Christa said, pointing to a far-away hillside.

Smoke rose towards the gray sky filled with thunderheads. "That's miles from here," Colby said, "but let's get into position. When I say, 'now,' turn on your hoses and water the roofs."

Megan's spirits sank to the lowest level. "No one would allow this area to be destroyed by fire. I know about new growth and things being better than before, but please not this summer. Brett's not here to handle this. Oh my gosh!" Fear struck her like a lightning bolt. "Colby, how close is that smoke to Willow Lake?"

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