Megan meandered around the woods, taking different paths. Aspen quivered in the breeze, shimmering like shiny coins. With each step, she heard new sounds. Squirrels chattered as if expressing joy in Rose's birth. Elk grunted in reply. Even the sun seemed to shine brighter today, passing its way through the towering trees to light her path.

"Who knew delivering a baby would be this amazing, yet terrifying? What if something had gone wrong?" Megan shook her head, the smile never ending. "All went well." There was a new lightness to her steps and she wanted to shout it to the world, but words to express her emotions were absent.

Up ahead the River of Hope gurgled over rocks making its way downstream. "I always end up here. The one place I know where you can celebrate and reflect." She found a smooth rock and settled in. Her hand went to the water and soon cold rushed over her. "What a day!" she said to no one.

"You can say that again."

She jolted and almost fell in. "Hey, Colby," she uttered but kept her gaze on the water. Many thoughts and emotions filled her mind, leaving it a jumbled mess. She knew he would realize she held a secret. One of the best stories she could ever share with him. Was she ready to surrender the confusing emotions and allow him to help her put the pieces together to make a beautiful picture?

"Did something happen after Grandfather and I left?" he asked, his eyebrows arched in concern.

She took a deep breath as the event showcased itself in her mind. Her brown eyes shimmered with joyful tears and she could not stop smiling. "I delivered a baby," she said matter-of-factly.

"Oh. What?" His mouth fell open. He sat beside her, never once looking away from her.

She told him about Tracy, Rose, Charlie, and Jason. Colby chuckled at the idea of a young teen being present at a birth. "Does this mean you're changing your major to medicine?"

"No," she said, staring at her hands. Nothing would ever change the sensation of holding a newborn, but she felt most comfortable around animals. Today's event was a one-shot deal, as far as she was concerned. With a glance to Colby, she saw a child-like enthusiasm radiating from his face. His eyes shone brighter than sun reflecting on gold. "Did you have a nice time with your grandfather?"


"I did," he said, sounding a bit surprised by the acknowledgment. "Thank you for helping us get a new start." Each word he spoke about their day drew Megan towards him. As she listened with heart-felt intensity, she realized Colby and Clay were like night and day. Colby offered excitement, fun, and a journey into the heart. She still had not deciphered Clay's true nature, but something told her most of what he did last summer was an act. Why did he feel the need to hide from his true self? she wondered. Then she looked at Colby again and realized she wanted to spend a lot of time with him. I hope he wants to spend time with me. "What are you thinking?" he asked.

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