"It's tough when they don't want to take advice."

Megan looked up to see an unfamiliar woman standing on the top porch step. A tall, lean, young woman with long auburn hair, smiled at her. "Hi. I'm Faith Wrangler," she said as she approached Megan and extended her hand. Megan accepted the handshake with a smile, yet inquisitive look. "Levi's cousin and Brett's girlfriend," the woman answered.

"It's a pleasure meeting you," Megan said to Dr. Wrangler's cousin. He was the only vet Brett allowed on this property. She knew Dr. Wrangler had much planned for her this summer and she was excited to work with him again.

"Brett told me about the commotion," Faith said. "Will she be okay?"

"I hope so," she said with a shrug. "Christa lives for horses and riding. Surely this one incident won't keep her from doing what she loves best."

"Though it's tough, give her time. She has to decide the right time to get back in the saddle, no pun intended."

Megan watched this woman and instantly liked her. Though Brett had said little last night about this woman, she had sensed a love interest. Now she understood why. Though Faith was a woman, the freckles on her face gave her a youthful appearance and there was a glow to her hazel eyes that spoke enthusiasm. Yes, Megan thought, she is a perfect match for Brett.They talked a bit more and then Brett joined them.

"I see you two met," he said as he wiped his sweaty hands on his faded blue jeans that fit his long, lean legs. "Did Faith tell you the good news?" he asked while adjusting his brown Stetson. "She's going to help out this summer."

"Welcome aboard," Megan said, smiling at the two together. They definitely had a connection with neither wanting to be the first to look away. Megan's heart twitched again. "Where did that come from?" she wondered and then shrugged it off.

Brett and Faith went inside and Megan headed to the corral. An arm went around her shoulder and she smiled. "Hey, Charlie Watson." She looked at the true-life cowboy who was Brett's right-hand man. Though he stood only a few inches above her, his zest for life made him a giant.


"Quite a day, I hear," he said, in a strong western accent. "Sorry I was in town," he said tweaking his furry mustache.

"No, you're not," she said with a smile. "How is Tracy?"

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