"Jefferson," Megan whispered. "He's sweet, caring, and friendly, but more like my comfortable sweatshirt. No sparks or romance leapt into our lives. Could all that change with Colby? Were we destined to meet this summer?" Megan shook her head. "That would mean we were soul mates and I don't believe in that."

Christa dismounted, sprinted towards them, and said, "Did I do good?" Tendrils of dark curls stuck to her cheeks, and she fixed her ponytail.

"You did great," Megan said, relieved for the interruption.

While they watched Mike jump, who was equally as talented, Christa asked, "Do you jump?"

"No. I prefer riding." Seeing Christa bite her lip and her eyes squinted, Megan asked, "What are you thinking?"

Christa paused in answering. "I almost gave up. The coolest part is you never pushed me or told me stories about how you fell off or were bucked off and got right back on. You let me find the right time to ride again." The animated gleam in her eyes showed she had more to say.

"And?" Christa sighed with exuberance. "It's like I'm flying." The girl bounced from one leg to the next. "I would love to compete someday."

"You have my permission to work with Johnny, if he says okay."

"Really?" She threw her arms around Megan and squeezed. "You are the best. I'm glad I came back. I love it here."

"Me too," Megan said, grabbing the rail to keep from falling. While Christa and Mike talked, Megan asked Johnny his opinion.


"Girl's got potential," he said, pulling at his mustache. "Sure, I'll work with her." With a renewed sense of promise, Megan looked around at the open space and vast sky. "This truly is a place that helps us make our dreams reality." Mike and Christa stayed with Johnny while Megan ventured off for some relaxation at the River of Hope.

With her feet splashing in the brisk water, Megan's body and mind soaked-up the Wyoming atmosphere and sun. Leaned back on her arms, her face tilted to the sun, she closed her eyes and took a deep relaxing breath.

"Figured I'd find you here."

"Colby," she muttered, sitting up. "To what do I owe this honor?"

"What did you tell my grandfather?" he asked, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Nothing he didn't know." She stared at him, half-smiling.

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