"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She screamed at Sindi hovering over her. "Have you completely lost your mind!? Your son is in there crying his eyes out and you are out here behaving like lunatic!"

She wasn't behaving any better herself. Mandisa noted, not really caring. The neighbors were staring at them as if they were some sort of freaks. They had never seen the sisters behave in such a way before. They had always been loving and sweet with each other that one could swear they were brainwashed into playing a happy loving family. The neighbors were more than happy to realize they were as bad as everyone.

The water had stopped the fight but it didn't diminish Sindi's anger.

"She locked me in!" Sindi screamed getting up and facing Khanyi ready to attack her again.

'For your own damn good and I'll lock you in the bathroom too if you don't stop this nonsense."

"They are going to take my son away from me, don't you get it?" Sindi screamed at Mandisa. "If I don't do something, I'm going to lose him. Is that what you want? Don't you two care that I'm going to lose the one thing that keeps me alive."

Mandisa didn't know what had happened but the hurt look on Sindi's face and the fact that she raised her hand to touch her cheek suggested that she had done something she had been certain she would never do…She had slapped her sister and hard, judging by the marks that were slowly showing on Sindi face. Mandisa wanted to apologize immediately. She wanted to hug her sister and ask her to forgive her. What stopped her was the fact that Sindi had deserved to be slapped. How dare she doubt that they care about Joy? They all loved that boy like a son and she had no right to think otherwise.

"Khanyi, go inside and take care of joy." Mandisa said her eyes intensely on Sindi. Khanyi didn't need to be told twice; she took the bowl from Mandisa and quickly went inside the house aware that the neighbors were watching her. Mandisa waited until Khanyi was inside the house then she said.

"You can doubt my abilities as a lawyer or if I care whether you lose your son or not but don't you ever doubt Khanyi's loyalty." Mandisa said softly. "That girl would die for Joy. She loves Joy more than you can imagine and you owe her an apology."

Sindi looked down at her feet embarrassed. Mandisa took a deep breath.


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