He was back. Looking no better than when he had left two days ago. Rose didn't know where he had gone or why he had left though she could guess. Mandisa Dladla was under his skin. He was so in love with her it wasn't funny and only because he didn't know it yet. Neither did Mandisa and the only reason why she didn't know was because she was too focused on holding on to her nephew. His reason for being oblivious to his burning feelings, she didn't know. Rose sighed, dropped her bag on the table and went to her son. It didn't bother her that he was in love. It was a good thing and she intended to use it to her advantage.

"When did you return?" Rose asked him noticing that he hadn't turned to look at her. He remained by the window, staring outside.

"I got in a while ago." He answered his eyes still focused on the streets 'And where did you disappear to?" She asked gently. "I was a bit worried; you don't know Johannesburg that well." Finally Tebogo looked at her.

"I'm a grown man, mother. I know how to take care of myself."

"I'm glad to hear that. How about something to drink?"

"I'm not thirsty." He said his eyes returning to his scenery.

"I meant for me." She said with a smile. Tebogo went to the mini fridge and got her a bottle of water.

"I went to see Miss Dladla a day ago." She told him, accepting the bottle although water wasn't the drink she had in mind. Finally she had his attention.

"Is she still alive?" He asked maliciously. Rose smiled.

"She was alive when I left." She answered, taking a sip of the unwanted water. "Whether she is still alive now, I can't confirm." Concern flicked across his face. "Relax dear. I'm joking. I may want her dead but I'm not going to get my hands dirty. And besides it is not my style." She watched as he took a deep breath and counted to five. It was a habit of his that let her know she was testing his patience. Rose smiled pleasantly to herself. No one knew her sons better than her, not even themselves.


"What did you say to her?"

"That I want Joy." She told him simply. He rolled his eyes. "And that you love her." That stopped the eyes rolling.

'What!?" He barked at her and jumped out of his seat.

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