Five hours of intense research had Mandisa suffering with a pounding head, stiff muscles, watering eyes and a mood to rival the devil. She freed her dreadlocks from a ponytail and ran her hand through them. She had nothing on the Motsepes. Nothing she could use against them. They were well known and the internet had about a thousand articles about them but none of them contained interesting information she could use at the custody hearing.

Mandisa sighed wearily and threw her head on her desk. She had just spent the morning learning everything about the Motsepes; their favorite charity events, their views on politics and the government and their contribution in the financial world. All of that was amazing, if she was a fan of them, which she wasn't. What she was, was an enemy they were trying to crash and she needed to crash them first. Especially now that she had met Tebogo Motsepe and knew he wasn't just another bully who thought being rich allowed him to bully others. He was a bully, yes. But he was also smart, intriguing and so damn provoking, Mandisa had to watch herself carefully if she didn't want to be his victim. She raised her head and leaned back on the chair. Most of the information she had found was about him and if she wasn't so dedicated in her quest, she would have fallen asleep on the first article. She wasn't sure but Mandisa was willing to bet that the Motsepe had paid the reporters and journalist who did the articles on them for not one bad word was said about them. As far as Durban and the financial world was concerned. The Motsepe's were royalty.

Either that or they were good in hiding their dirty laundry and burying their skeletons. The only article which wasn't rosy and buttery was an article about Tebogo's father's death. Mandisa had read it with fascination. The reporter who covered that story had been sympathetic and mournful that by the time she finished reading it she had tears in her eyes.

The phone ringing on her desk broke into her thoughts. She snatched it up.

"What is it Miranda?" She asked impatiently.

"Uhm…you have visitors?" Her secretary said over the phone.

"What visitors?"

"Uhm…your sister, Sindiswa and…" Miranda's voice trailed off as if she didn't remember who else. Mandisa hanged up the phone. She didn't have time to deal with Miranda's incompetence. The girl was a great secretary when her head was in the game which was most of the time but now and again when she had problems with her live in boyfriend, she lost her mind and Mandisa found it hard to even get her to remember how she liked her coffee.

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