
Her day at the clinic is long and arduous leaving her

staring at patient notes and insurance forms with no desire to start them. A pair of Crimson eyes dance in her minds eye as she leans back in her chair.

Okay that tears it she stands and slips the paperwork into her filing cabinet. Decision made she grabs her things gets in her car and drives through the estates making for Sax's place.

Wearing a self satisfied smirk she takes the stairs three at a time.

No mean feet at her height but she is eager to reach his apartment.

Opening the door without a knock she softly closes it behind her but as she scans the place she realizes he is not there.

Her face falls excitement beginning to fade before she decides to wait him out.

She wanders through each section of the magically

expanded effiency her hands brush over little things. She reads the spines of the numerous books at least those written in French or English

many are in languages she doesn't even recognize let alone read. Out of the corner of her eye she sees something curious a red and white box with something on top.


She begins moving closer to see just what it is. Perched on top of this item is a monkey all dressed up. It had a black top hat and red coat with tales and a striped vest on.

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