He found ways to make me pay for my efforts, he would cut parts out and show them to me, asking each time how did I feel and what souls he be feeling right at that moment...

The answer was always the same...he Felt nothing while he watched my pain.

Body parts and flesh regrows heals, but a peace of sanity once it is broken away it is like fragile glass, you can try and glue it back it is never the same.

Watching every toe regrow in morbid fascination, broken bone mend, feeling each organ regenerate, did take it's tole on me. I learned to laugh at the pain , I learned ask for it,

I gave up fighting him with pleading and begging, knowing that all it will do is provoke him more,in time I stopped laughing, laughing equals cut off tongue and hand ripped vocal cords.

My pain mocked me reflecting back at me from his mirror like eyes, I was created by death and yet I did not fear my maker what I have learned a new ,

was to fear the gift my father granted me,the gift of a monster with a face so breathing lovely in its twisted beauty,after those years of torture.

I vowed I will never look at beauty in the same way,beauty is never to be trusted it is just a Mask.

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