"Tis to bad poppet. As she lets the first scream of ecstasy part her lips. He wraps his claws into her throat tips scratching drawing fresh blood he seems to start forward to taste before Jerking back as if burnt. "No it cannot bloody well be yer still here ya cannot be he starts to shake his head as she hits her height a purple flash over blinds her eyes and when she opens then she is alone and purple ashes float around her.

His voice from no where penetrates her fog and the scene goes black while she cracks her eyes to peer around Sax's colorful dwelling. She feels a hand pet her shoulder and looks up into smiling crimson orbs. "Now poppet with those noises ya make I wasn't certain nightmare or wonderful dream from moment to moment ya changed." He kisses her cheek I have none of yer horrid coffee but I can offer ya tea." She nods weakly still afraid to trust her voice. As he stands back turned to her he starts for his kitchen something glitters from his pocket she rolls reaching to pick it up. When she looks close her mouth falls open. Looking from his back where he flatters the China making het tea to a ticket to The Carnival of Horror featuring the Monster's Mistress Night performance. He begins to whistle as he fills the pot and she shivers thinking was it real or was it a dream while the air fills with his whistle copying the calliope's haunting refrain.

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