“I didn’t tell you because there was nothing for you to know. Gloria filled a need in my life just like Alex filled one in yours.” He reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

His hand was warm, his touch arousing. That was the problem, she thought. He could distract her easily and make her forget anything but him.

She refused to get sidetracked now. Although he’d said it was over, there was still something she needed to know. “Did you love her?”

As Lacey spoke, she suddenly understood how Ty must have felt hearing about her relationship with Alex. It hurt to ask. It would hurt even more to hear about it.

He shook his head and a weight lifted off her chest.

“There’s only one thing you need to know about Gloria,” Ty said in his gruff, sexy voice.

Butterflies took up residence in her belly, a warm fluttering feeling she savored. “And what’s that?”

“She wasn’t you.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. She felt ridiculous reacting in such an emotional way but she couldn’t control her relief or the overwhelming gratitude filling her. She couldn’t speak but figured the wide smile on her face would be a good enough reply.

He cupped his hands around her cheeks and tilted her head back. Slowly, without his gaze ever leaving hers, he lowered his head and let his lips touch, then seal their emotions. All the things they hadn’t said, Lacey felt in the sweet, reverent way his mouth lingered on hers.

Too soon, he pulled back. “I really have to get back to work.”


She nodded and gave him permission with a flirty wave of her hand.

They both knew where they’d pick up later on.

HUNTER HAD BEEN going over questions for a witness when Ty called. Although he’d never have said no based on the urgency in his friend’s voice, he could definitely use the break. By the time he strode into Night Owl’s, it was nearing eleven. Since he’d still have to finish up at the office later, he didn’t glance around, not wanting to waste time on small talk with friends.

Five minutes later, he, Ty and Lilly were seated around a small table in the back. Four college students had finally stumbled out, laughing and making way too much noise. Hunter couldn’t ever remember being as loose and carefree in those days—he’d been too preoccupied with

“making good,” as he’d come to think of his quest to achieve.

“I didn’t know you’d asked Hunter to come by. What’s going on?” Lilly asked.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. He’d figured Lilly was up on everything Ty knew.

“I got a call from Derek earlier and he said your uncle had an interesting visitor today,” Ty said.

“Who?” Hunter and Lilly asked at the same time.

Ty leaned forward in his seat. “Not long after we left his office this morning, Paul Dunne paid Dumont a visit. Unless there’s a piece of the puzzle I’m missing, I can’t think of a damn reason why, unless it had something to do with Lilly’s trust fund.”

“Oh man.” Hunter ran a hand through his hair.

Lilly, who’d grown pale on hearing Ty’s rationale, remained silent.

“Do you know something I don’t? Does Dumont have a relationship of some kind with Paul Dunne? Are they golfing buddies?” Ty asked. “Help me here because otherwise—”

“Let’s just stop looking for excuses where there are none,” Lilly said at last. “We all know Uncle Marc wanted my trust fund ten years ago and that hasn’t changed. What has changed is that now he also wants me dead. ”

The word reverberated between them.

“I agree,” Ty said.

“So do I. The question is what are we going to do about it?” Hunter asked.

“I’m not going to go into hiding,” Lilly said before either Hunter or Ty could suggest it, although Hunter thought the idea had merit.

“Why the hell not? Would you rather make yourself a walking target? Because the next time he probably won’t miss.” Ty visibly shuddered at the possibility.

Lilly frowned. “Well, I’m finished hiding from the man. Wasn’t that the reason I came back in the first place? To face him down? To deal with my past? Well, I’m going to deal with it.”

Hunter decided it was time to step in between the two disagreeing lovers. He hated to side with Ty and piss Lilly off, but the other man had a point.

Hunter turned to Lilly who’d called him this afternoon to explain the trust agreement. “I don’t know if you realize but considering the terms of the trust fund, you have three weeks to—how do I put this delicately?—you have three weeks to remain alive in order to claim your trust fund. I don’t think waving a red flag in front of your uncle is going to help you do that,” Hunter said.

“Exactly.” Ty emphasized his point by pounding his fist against the table.

Hunter winced, sensing that his friend’s take-charge manner was going to set Lilly off.

She rose to her feet but smartly kept her voice low. “I’ll give you two choices. I can go home for the next three weeks and come back to claim my trust fund on my birthday.”

“And make yourself an easy target in the big city where nobody knows Dumont or can keep an eye on him in any way,” Ty countered.

“Or I can stay here and make myself an easy target. We’ll just have to be one step ahead of Uncle Marc and be ready for him when he strikes again.”

This time Ty rose to his feet, as well. “Absolutely not.”

Hunter groaned. “Will you two sit down? You’re calling attention to us and that’s not what we’re looking for.”

Surprisingly they both lowered themselves back into their chairs.

“I think Lilly’s right,” Hunter said to Ty. “Either we draw him out by keeping her out in public or he’s going to strike again when we aren’t prepared.”

Ty frowned.

Hunter knew Ty well. Eventually he’d come around to their way of thinking, but not because he was afraid of confrontation. He wasn’t. Because Hunter was right.

“You know I’m right. Dumont is going to come after Lilly either way, so we might as well let her live her life and be ready when he does.” Hunter pointedly glanced at Ty. “Well?”

“Yeah,” he muttered, obviously unhappy with the situation.

Lilly put her hand over his. “I appreciate the support,” she said quietly.

Ty inclined his head, saying nothing. But Lilly didn’t need words nor did she need to be right for the sake of it, Hunter thought. This was why they were such a perfect fit. Lilly didn’t gloat over a victory nor did she push Ty past what he could handle. She stood up for herself but also respected his views. Hopefully they’d have a chance at a future when all this was over.

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