“Can I get you something? Water? Aspirin?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. I just need to be alone, you know?”

He nodded. She had a lot to process thanks to him, including the fact that he cared—if she chose to believe him.

She walked him back down the long flight of stairs. “Some surprise date,” she said as he reached for the knob to let himself out.

He wasn’t pleased with himself but a lot had come out tonight, at least on his part. What Molly chose to do with that info rmation was up to her.

“You do know I always wanted to get to know you better. I’ve asked you out before,” he felt compelled to remind her.

“But you never pressed the issue until now when you had an agenda.”

“It’s not my agenda.”

Molly pursed her lips. “That’s an interesting point. It’s obviously Lilly’s agenda.”

“She goes by the name of Lacey now.”

“And are you Lacey’s lawyer? Because trusts and estates aren’t your specialty.” Molly’s voice was purely detached and professional, a sign she’d withdrawn completely.


Hunter groaned. Lilly hadn’t officially hired him but he assumed he was all she had. “I may have to get some help but yes, I’m her attorney.”

She perched her hands on her hips. “Which puts us on opposing sides should Marc decide to pursue the matter.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow at that. “He doesn’t have a leg to stand on and I would hope you’d look at the issue from all sides before going in that direction.”

“I’ll discuss all options with my client,” she said stiffly.

She appeared so hurt, so betrayed, he felt compelled to step closer. He wanted to apologize but showing weakness might cause her to think his case and claim were weak, as well.

Alone in the small hallway, she seemed very close and for Molly, very vulnerable. He reached out and tipped her head upwards. “Molly?”

Her tongue flickered out and moistened her lips. He wanted to kiss her and knew he couldn’t.

“Yes?” she asked on a whisper.

“While you’re discussing options with your client, you might want to ask him who he blames for Lilly’s death. And what he did about it afterward.”

She didn’t reply.

“I’ll check on you tomorrow,” Hunter said, dropping his hand before he acted on his desire.

He’d never been farther away from Molly than he was now. The irony was huge. Just as his feelings for Lilly became clear, potentially freeing him for a real relationship, it was Lilly’s return that prevented him from getting closer to Molly.

Without replying she turned and headed back upstairs to her apartment, her footsteps echoing as she went.

Hunter walked out.

Anna Marie had finally gone inside. Although he was relieved not to have to make idle chitchat, he realized she’d probably tried to listen in on their conversation. He hoped like hell her hearing aid batteries had died or else the old glass-against-the-wall trick hadn’t worked. Otherwise she’d be blabbing to the world about his blown date with Molly. And Hunter’s reputation as a stud, such as it was, would be shot to hell by nine-fifteen tomorrow morning.

MOLLY CLOSED HER DOOR and leaned back against the wall, exhausted and wound up at the same time. She’d always had a thing for Hunter and she’d enjoyed the sexual tension that came along with their verbal sparring. Back in law school, she hadn’t gone out with him because she’d been a woman on a mission.

She had no time for a real social life since she’d been determined to work hard, focus on school and become a self-supporting attorney. Unlike her mother, who needed a man to validate her existence and keep her afloat financially, Molly intended to be independent. Unfortunately her success had come at the expense of any real relationships.

But now that she’d moved to Hawken’s Cove in an effort to renew ties and family connections, she’d mentally begun to open herself up to the possibility of a social life, a sex life.

With Hunter. But his walls were as high as hers. Even though he’d repeatedly asked her out, he’d never pushed. Now she thought she understood why. Foster care. She shivered. The reserve in his demeanor finally made sense to her. She couldn’t see someone who’d been raised as he had, being willing to put himself on the line for rejection.

And Molly was by no means certain she could move forward, either. Since she’d been a little girl, Molly had dreamed of a relationship with her mother. She’d wished for a mom who’d take an interest in her life, her friends, her schoolwork. Someone to talk to about boys, and hard times. Unfortunately, her mother had been too self-absorbed to worry much about Molly, who had been a mistake with husband number one. Her father was a wealthy California vineyard owner who Molly knew of but didn’t really know. And he had another family.

But since meeting Marc, her mother’s attitude toward Molly had changed and warmed, something she didn’t want to risk losing. And she knew Marc would feel betrayed if she started anything with Hunter. She’d lose the beginnings of her newfound family closeness.

Which brought her back around to the quagmire she suddenly found herself in. Marc had definitely left gaps in his story about his past with his niece. Hunter’s name had never come up, nor had Tyler Benson’s. Yet both had apparently played a big role during that time. She bit down on her lower lip, wondering how Marc would handle it if she questioned him.

Then there was Hunter, who’d finally stepped up and brought her dinner—an assortment of choices no less—yet had an agenda. He’d wanted to dig for info rmation about Marc, as well as let her know Lilly was alive.

Where had Lilly been for the last ten years, Molly wondered. And why had she suddenly resurfaced now, just in time to stop her uncle from claiming her fortune?

Molly drew herself up and headed toward the telephone to call her mother and Marc, to see if they were up for an evening visit. Because she wouldn’t have any answers unless she asked the right questions.

THE LATE-AFTERNOON SUN shone through the blinds in Ty’s apartment, but not even the bright light eased the feeling that Lacey was shut in. She hated being confined. She’d been on her own for so long, she was used to coming and going as she pleased. Instead, she’d spent the last three days sitting around and waiting for Ty to come home from work. True, she went out with the dog, taking frequent walks with Digger behind the building where Ty lived, but she was more isolated than she’d ever been. Being idle wasn’t her idea of fun but she’d promised. In return, Ty and Hunter had assured her it was only temporary.

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