“What?” Jessica’s scream of outrage followed me into the room. She stood at the doorway, her hands on her hips. “Did I hear you correctly? You’re not fucking going!”

“I’m going to get him to drop the charges against Will.” I waved the printed screenshots at her. “If he doesn’t, I’ll go full steam ahead.”

“And how easy do you think it’ll be for him to accuse you of blackmailing him, because that’s what this is! Don’t be stupid!”

“I DON’T CARE!” I stood up and the printed pictures floated to the floor, sliding out of my grasp.

Jessica stumbled back from the force of my voice. “I know that you’re angry, but think, Natalie. If you go charging off to Ben’s house again, you’ll only dig yourself a bigger hole.”

Frustration was bleeding into anger. Why couldn’t she understand? I looked at her calm face and wanted to shatter it. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing!”

“No,” she agreed. “You can’t.” Jessica heaved a sigh. “I’m probably going to regret this, but I’ll come with you.”

“I don’t want to get anyone else in trouble. Besides, you two hate each other. It’s just asking for trouble.”

“You need someone with a cool head to come with you to stop you from doing anything stupid.”

Whatever. “I’m leaving now.” Grabbing my purse and keys, I swept past Jessica who hurried behind me.

* * *


“We could still head back,” Jessica suggested.

I shook my head firmly and raised my fist to the door, which was thankfully closed.

“He might not even answer. Once he sees you, he’ll just—”

My fist pounded against the wood to drown out her protests. I brushed aside her sigh of anger and waited in front of the door, willing myself to be calm and not lose my head. Several minutes passed, but I kept knocking on the door.

“He’s not coming. Let’s go,” she pleaded.

A piercing pain shot through my heart as the door cracked open, revealing a tall man. I was pleased to see tape over the bridge of Ben’s nose. Looks like Will broke it. Good.

“You’re not supposed to be here. If you want to say something to me, you can contact my lawyer.”

He smirked and shut the door, but I wedged my foot in between before he could close it.

“I’ll also be sure to contact your lawyer with the evidence that you put those pictures online. I’m willing to settle this now without pressing charges.”

Ben’s smirk faltered. “You’re bluffing.”

“Okay,” I quipped, removing my foot. “I’ll leave since you’re not interested.”

Jessica looked at me in bewilderment as I turned around to descend the stairs. One step. Two steps. Any moment now.

“Hold on.” His baritone voice called out to me, much clearer than before.

I buried the smile on my face before turning around with a neutral expression, pleased to see that Jessica lost her shocked expression. Ben stood on the patio of his brownstone, looking at Jessica with an ugly look.


The way he said it made me think of cockroaches. Jessica returned the look, straightening her back.


“Are you willing to talk?” It was strange how powerful I felt, even as I looked up at him. His eyes flicked back and forth, unsure, cautious. I had all the cards; I just had to not screw this up.

“Fine. Come inside.” He stepped aside to allow us into his dark apartment.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jessica said quickly. “I’ve no intention of being sent to jail for whatever trumped up charge you’re dreaming of accusing me.”

The smile returned to his face. “Whatever.” He zeroed in on me. “Now what is it that you want?”

My hands tightened around the pictures I held. “I want you to drop the lawsuit and the charges against Will. In return, I won’t ruin your career by taking this evidence to the police.”

His thick arms folded across his chest, his eyes flicking from Jessica, the paper, and me. “What evidence?”

Now don’t screw this up. I kept my eyes trained on his, my eyes watering from not blinking. I held them out and he took them, another infuriating smile forming on his face.

“Is this all you’ve got? Screen captures?” He shook his head and peered at them. “You know, these aren’t the most flattering pictures of you.”

Ignoring the barb, I forced a harsh laugh of my own. “Oh, that’s not all. Will has a ton of private investigators and computer savvy people at his disposal. We’ve already matched your IP address to the last login on your computer, and I already know that you emailed yourself the pictures from your phone.”

None of that was true, of course, but as the last word fell from my lips his face visibly whitened. Bingo.

“And I’m pretty sure I can afford the best lawyers what with my boyfriend being rich and all.”

“I won’t drop the charges against Will. He attacked me in my own home—”

“After you attacked him first!” It was hard looking at him. Pain still throbbed in my chest from what he had done to me. I couldn’t even see him anymore. I didn’t recognize this bitter, vile person who somehow took over Ben’s body.

“Says who? I have two police officers who arrived on scene—”

“Actually, they got there while you were fighting. I’m the only witness. You know that the judge will throw this case out, anyways. You have no proof, but I do.”

Fury worked all over his face as he twisted his mouth and thought through everything I said. He knows I’m right. He won’t risk ruining his career. Jessica caught my eye and flashed a quick, triumphant smirk.

“All right, I’ll drop the charges and the lawsuit, but you better hold up your end.” His mouth twisted with hatred, he spat on the ground.

My eyes narrowed. “You’ll contact his lawyer tonight. If I don’t hear about this from Will, the deal’s off.”

I stared into his blue orbs until I knew he understood and turned away from the man who wrecked Will’s life. It was hard—really hard—not to run back up the stairs and knee him in the balls a second time, but I desperately wanted this to work. A tiny pathetic part of me hoped that Will would call me when he heard the news.

We closed the doors to my car and sat there in silence for a few moments. I heard Jessica’s head turn against the headrest.

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